I've Told You Now

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~Y/N's PoV~

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~Y/N's PoV~

You know what I mean

You slowly opened your eyes. A splitting headache found it's way to your head before you were able to comprehend where you were. A few voices could be heard, but they sounded so distant. Struggling, you slowly sat up from where you were laying. You could barely see; as a result, black dots scattered their way around your eyes, everything seemed slightly blurred. The voices seemed to have either ceased, or moved further out of ear shot. Suddenly, and to your surprise, someone else's hand held yours in theirs tightly. You attempted to talk; however, the task was proven difficult due to the dryness of your throat.

It's like walking in the heat all day with no water

You turned your head to the side to get a better look at who the person was. A miniature smile found its way onto your face when you saw that it was Leonardo. He pulled you into a hug, a little too fast for your comfort, causing you to feel dizzy. By now, everything had begun to come into focus again. You found yourself in Donnie's lab on a cool surfaced table.

It's like waiting for a friend

"Leo." you mumble, barely audible to the ear.

You try to stand, but Donnie quickly rushes over to sit you back down, all while Leo is still embracing you in a hug. Eventually, he releases you, blushing despite the gloomy gaze in his eyes. You heard three more voices come from the door.

"Y/N, you should try to avoid swift movements right now. Be steady and perform tasks in an unhurried motion." Donnie lectured, to which you quietly spoke an agreement to.

Watching everybody else meet theirs on that corner

Raphael, Michelangelo, and Master Splinter slowly walk into the room. The two young ninja seemed to be upset about something, yet they did not mumble a word once they saw you. Raising an eyebrow, you noticed their glare went towards Donatello, who simply shrugged it off, turning his attention back to you.

Or losing in an argument

"Y/N, I'm so sorry it took me so long to come. I should not have let him get close enough to hurt you. This is my fault-"Leo continued to talk until you cut him off.

"How is this your fault? You did not know the Shredder was going to be at the pizzeria to attack me."

"Yeah, but I was the one who asked you to go in the first place. I'm sorry Y/N... I'm..." he shook his head sadly.

Although you're right, can't get your thoughts in order

You kiss his forehead and place a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it slightly," Don't blame yourself. After all, I should have sensed him when he was following me. Everything will be alright da Vinci. I'm sure of it."

He smiled slightly at you, looking up into your eyes. His brothers teased at the nickname you gave him, but he did not seem to notice, and if so, he did not seemed to care at all. Taking your hand in his, he squeezed your hand once.

"I'm just glad you are okay (nickname)."

He lifts your chin, continuing to look in your E/C eyes. He sighs before closing his eyes and moving forward, which you follow. Meeting, his lips gently crash onto yours, allowing the two of you to share a passionate moment. It was a gradual kiss, neither one of you wanting to pull away or ruin the moment, that is until you had to pull away for air.

"Hey, love birds, if you are done locking lips, Master Splinter wants to discuss the happenings of today," Raphael spoke from outside the door.

"Y-yeah, okay. We are coming," Leo spoke. He helped guide you to the dojo.

Sorry this was a short chapter. I have been trying to figure out what to write for this chapter, but I figured I'd just write a little fluff since it had been a while.

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