cнαρтεr 3

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hey :)

so you guys are just amazing, 17 votes on the last part! wow. :) please please keep on voting and commenting, it means a lot and although I don't reply to your comments, I still do read them and every single one of them make my day a whole lot better :)


'Cause when I look in the mirror
I don't even recognise myself

one of my favourites :)

and here's chapter...3 

oh and incase there is any confusion, Liam and Louis are roommates (boarding school), so they share a room.


"I am not changing in front of you" Liam huffed, turning so that he was facing Louis' glare.

"Well, you have to unless you just stay in these clothes because I am getting late here" Louis growled, pulling at the handcuffs and dragging Liam towards his wardrobe. "And it's not like I want to see you naked, nope"

"Well, I look better than you when I am naked so wouldn't have to cry like you do everytime you look at yourself" Liam snorted, pleased with come back. There were hardly any times when Liam would win one of their fights. Today looks like one of them.

"You got something wrong there, I cry when I look at myself because I am just too beautiful for words" Louis smirked, snapping his fingers in z shape, making Liam roll his eyes. 

"Keep on dreaming" Liam muttered and without a warning he dragged Louis towards the bedside, grabbing his phone as he dialed Zayn's number.

"Hey, babe" Zayn spoke through the phone, his bradford accent thicker than normal. Idiot just woke up, Liam thought.

"You need to come here right now, with the handcuff keys" Liam spoke sternly and without waiting for Zayn's response, he ended the call. 

"That's the cleverest thing you have ever done, Payne" Louis stated turning around and Liam couldn't help but stick his tongue out at Louis' back. Was it really possible for Liam to hate Louis more than before?

Liam ignored Louis who fumbling through his wardrobe, searching for his red TOMS, and pulled the boy towards the beds. Liam sat down ignoring Louis' groans and shouts. 

"Why on earth is Zayn taking so long?" Louis grumbled as he sat down next to Liam.

"How am I supposed to know?" Liam replied, glaring at Louis who happily returned the glare back.

After the while both boys calmed down and were sitting back to back, an awkward silence between them as they both were thinking about what has happened last night. They both knew they had nearly kissed; to be honest, they actually had kissed, their lips had touched each other. 

Liam didn't know what to make of that moment, if that was moment. There was no doubt that he hated Louis more than anything but there was also no doubt that he found the older lad attractive, who wouldn't? Liam, honestly, found those electric blue eyes and those feathery hair attractive but that doesn't really mean he finds Louis attractive. Not at all.

[I]'m Abso[l]utely P[o]siti[ve] I Hate [you] (ʟıʟᴏ ᴘᴀʏʟɪɴsᴏɴ)Where stories live. Discover now