cнαρтεr 5

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hye :)

around 5 more parts left :) Oh and the last part had got over 20 votes so thanks guys :) you are truly amazing.


Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met

and here's chapter 5. This chapters is going to be really short since I have an awards evening for school and I don't have that much time ^-^


"No you do the washing up why should I?" Liam argued, his hands on his waist as he furiously glared at Louis.

They had tried, they honestly had but they can't just get along, no matter what they did. The hatred between them was just too much and Liam knows he could never stop hating Louis. And so he was going to stop with the be nice plan and just treat Louis like he deserves.

"Then why I should I?" Louis spat back.

Liam sighed because he knew that there was no point in arguing back so he just pulled his phone out and typed in a quick text to Zayn. They still had to stay handcuffed together for another 5 days. 

 "Who are you texting?" Louis asked, as he moved closer to Liam earning a deathly look from the other boy. 

"No one and even I am sure it doesn't concern you" Liam snapped, texting away furiously on his phone.

"It's Zayn isn't it?" Louis' voice was full of venom, seriously Zayn was one of his best friends but right now he wanted to see nothing to do with Zayn. Was he really that jealous of Zayn? Does he like Liam?

I think you should try and kiss Liam.

Harry's idea was really dumb but on the other hand it would defnitely answer a lot of questions Louis had. Oh god who is he kidding? There was no way in this world that he was going to kiss Liam Payne, he doesn't want a disease.

"Can you stop texting your loverboy and get on with the dishes?" Louis growled once he had finally gotten rid off his thoughts and yet again he found himself moving closer to Liam.

"What is your problem with Zayn?" Liam asked, as he leaned against the kitchen counter, his phone long forgotten on the counter.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe the fact that you two literally are like magnets, glued together!" Louis exclaimed as his hands ended up on the counter, either side of Liam. 

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you are jealous" Liam smirked and Louis had no control over him what so ever now.

Before he Louis knew it, his hands were cupping Liam's cheeks and was pulling him closer, his eyes burning into Liam's brown ones. One centimetre and their lips would be touching, one centimetre and they would be feeling each other, one centimetre and Louis would be kissing Liam. 

"Can I?" Louis breathed out and shuffled around a bit and ended up pushing Liam more towards the counter. 

Liam didn't have the strength to speak, his knees felt like jelly and his whole body felt like it was on fire and so he just gave Louis a nod.

Louis didn't wait a second after than. His fingers pulled Liam's chin towards him and he softly placed his lips against Liam's, his spare hand wrapping around Liam's waist as he pulled the boy impossibly close. Liam grabbed on to Louis' shoulder, his whole body feeling weaker at the touch of Louis as he slowly kissed him back. Their lips slowly played together, in sync with their tongues soon dancing together. 

Louis honestly could feel himself going insane on the inside and it was constantly trying to pull Liam closer and tighter.

And then unwillingly they had to pull away...


so that was short but hope that was good. :)


Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met

and please please don't forget to







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