cнαρтεr 22

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hey :)

This story should be ending soon, around 5/6 chapters left :)


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Chapter 22



"CONNOR!" Liam's hand dropped Louis' as he raced towards the figure that had just walked in through the door. Liam flugged his arms around Connor and hugged him tightly and as much Louis wanted to run and hide in a corner, he knew he had to do this now. 

This meant something to Liam and he wasn't going to ruin it. 

"Missed you lil bro" Connor whispered into Liam's ear before pulling away, he gave Liam a cheeky smile who just glared back at him. 

"I am only a year younger" Liam pouted as he playfully slapped Connor. 

"Still little to me" Connor muttered. 

"Whatever, come on. You have to meet someone!" Liam exclaimed as he grabbed Connor's arm and dragged him towards where the rest of the boys. 

"Hey man" Zayn said, getting up to give Connor a short hug.

"How's it going Zayn?" Connor asked as he hugged Zayn back. 


"You know Harry and Niall, right?" Liam asked. He had moved next to Louis, who looked like he was going to faint any minute.


"This is Louis, my boyfriend" Liam said as he grabbed on to Louis' hand and squeezed it. This was his first boyfriend who he was introducing to Connor even though he was out of the closet. 

"Oh hey Louis, great to meet you. You and I are going to have a little chat later" Connor said with a wink. 


"Gotta look out for my little brother, Li" Connor grinned.


"He means a lot to me, you know" Connor started off as he took a sip from his glass of orange juice. Louis was glanced over at him, confused but then he followed his glance and found Connor staring at Liam, who was sitting with the other boys. 

"It's hard not to like him" Louis chuckled lightly. He didn't get how he ever hated Liam. 

"Liam just has his way with that. He just makes you want to like him. Doesn't give you a choice" Connor laughed. 

"He's perfect" Louis whispered as he stared at him. In that moment, he just couldn't believe how fucking lucky he was. He wanted to be this lucky for the rest of his life. He wanted Liam for the rest of his life. 

"You love him, don't you?" Connor asked, with a grin.

"Like you said, hard not to" Louis chuckled. He was surprised at how confident he was feeling, maybe it that fact that they were talking about Liam. It's always easy when it comes to Liam. 

"I have never seen him this happy" Connor said as he gestured towards Liam. 



"Well, I am glad I make him happy"

"Just don't hurt him, don't do anything that will wipe that smile off of his face" Connor said quietly, and if Louis wasn't right next to him he wouldn't have heard him. 

"I promise you I wouldn't" 

"Yeah, I am sure you know what happens if I don't" Connor said as he turned to face Louis. 

"My head gets chopped off?" Louis said, chuckling. Connor nodded and patted him just as Liam made his way towards them. 

"Done talking?" Liam asked as grabbed Louis' hands and entwined them together with his own. 

"Yep" Connor said as he ruffled Liam's hair. 

"Didn't threaten him too much, right?" Liam smirked. Connor shook his head and laughed before he walked off, leaving the two alone. 

"You okay?" Louis whispered gently as he grabbed Liam's by his waist and pulled him closer so that he was standing between his parted legs. 

"Never better" Liam whispered as he leaned over and pressed his lips firmly against Louis, giving him a short sweet kiss. 

"Good" Louis whispered into his mouth

"I love you" Liam whispered, smiling as he pressed his forehead against Louis'

"I love you more" 



Not too sure about how that went. I hope that was okay and I hope you guys liked the idea about Connor. 


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