cнαρтεr 23

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hey :)

about 5 more chapters to goooo :) The updates will be more frequent now as I want to finish off this fic as soon as I can. So that I can concerntrate on my other works. 


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Chapter 23



"You okay?" Louis asked Harry as they walked towards their lockers. 

"The school dance is like in 2 days and I still haven't got a fucking date" Harry complained and he placed his head against his locker and sighed. 

"Oh" Louis said. 

"You are going with Liam, right?" Harry asked, making Louis stop right away and curse quietly. Louis had no idea the dance was 2 days away. It had completely flew out of his head. 

"I don't know" Louis muttered quietly. 

"What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you two official?" Harry asked as he took his head away from his locker and faced Louis. 

"Yeah we are but I haven't asked him yet and what if he stays no?" Louis said, frowning at the thought of Liam not saying yes. What if Liam wants to go with someone else?!

"YOU HAVEN'T ASKED HIM YET?" Harry exclaimed, making Louis glare at him 

"It just slipped out of my mind!" Louis snapped

"You're an idiot" Harry said as he shook his head. 

"Tell me something I don't know" Louis said, rolling his eyes. 


"Hey" Liam smiled as he leaned over and pecked Louis' lips quickly. 

"Hey, what are you up to?" Louis asked him as he sat down next to Liam and pushed his bag down the side. 

"Just some science revision" Liam replied. Louis gave him a short nod before he pulled his phone out. He knew he had to ask Liam about the dance right away but he didn't know if he should. He really didn't want to get rejected. 

"What are you thinking about?" Liam asked, as he looked up from his pile of books and gave Louis a tiny smile. Louis immediately could feel the nevousness in his stomach disappear just because of Liam's smile. 

"Nothing really" Louis said as he ran his fingers through Liam's hair. 

"No tell me" Liam said. 

"Promise me you wouldn't say no" Louis said, a small smile forming on his face when Liam's lips pressed against his neck. 

"Okay, I promise"

"The School dance, go with me" Louis said as he pressed his forehead against Liam and pressed their lips together. 

"Why did you think I would say no?" Liam asked, an amused look on his face.

"I dunno" Louis shrugged. 

"Yes" Liam said.

"Really?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, even if I hadn't promised I would have still said yes" Liam said. 


Horribly short but X- factor's on and I really can't concerntrate :/ So sorry. 


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