cнαρтεr 16

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hey :)

you guys are just amazing :) I love you all loads and I apologise for not replying to your comments. But I have a lot of stories and I just don't have time. But I still read your comment n stuff and you guys never fail to make my day. So thank you. 

I have a new Lilo story. It's called "Lights, Camera & Kiss!" I am really really excited for it. So check it out? For Lilo's sake???


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Chapter 16 (it's going to be short cause I am really really tired)



Zayn thought about running out of the dorm because really, he didn't actually think he would be witnessing this. On the good side, they were still wearing their clothes.

Liam and Louis. 

Liam and Louis rolling around the bed, snogging the absolute day lights out of each other. Their hands were all over each other and so were their lips and their legs were tangled up. Moans and groans and heavy breathing was the only sound that were heard in the dorm and nothing else. 

Zayn was pretty sure, they were going to fuck any minute and he really didn't want to witness that. 



Just as he turned around to actually get out of this place, he heard a small gasp and a body falling off the bed and hitting the ground. 

"Zayn?" Liam asked as he quickly straightened himself out.

"Awesome, you still remember me" Zayn said as he turned to find Louis on the floor with his eyes wide and Liam standing next to him blushing madly, his handcuffed hand stretched out as Louis was still on the floor.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked as he got up and stood next to Liam. 

"I'll answer that later for you. First of all, the door. Lock it will you? Second of all, what were you just doing? and Lastly, what the hell were you actually doing?" Zayn asked, his hands flying everywhere. He sighed as he folded his hands on his chest and stared straight at the pair in front of him. 

"We were snogging...wasn't it a bit obvious?" Louis said, frowning while Liam next to him just blushed harder. 

Zayn stared between the two before he rolled his eyes. 

"I am getting out of here" He said as he practically ran out of Liam and Louis' dorm and slammed the door behind him.

Louis narrowed his eyes at the closed door, trying to figure out Zayn's actions. When he didn't quite find a answer he turned to face Liam who was still blushing. 

"So, where were we?" Louis asked as he wrapped his arms around Liam's waist and he winked at him. 

"Your lips were on mine" Liam breathed out as he leaned in slowly, a smile on his as he brushed his lips against Louis'. Louis sighed happily as he grabbed on Liam's hair and pushed him towards his lips but Liam kissed the corner of his lips instead and pulled away giggling. 

"Tease" Louis murmured.

"You love it" Liam pointed out.

Louis shook his head, grinning as he dipped his head down and pressed his lips against Liam's soft delicate skin of his neck. A moan quietly slipped through Liam's parted lips and he tilted his head back to give Louis more access.

Louis' arms supported Liam against him as his lips worked on his neck while Liam's eyes closed gently and he looped his free hand around Louis' neck, fingers running gently through his feathery hair. 

"It would be so much better without these handcuffs" Louis whispered against Liam's ear as he placed his chin on Liam's shoulder. 

"I know, I miss my other hand so much" Liam said, shivering when he was able to feel Louis breathing on him. 

"You like me" Louis smirked as he pulled away from Liam's neck. 

"I like you" Liam said, he didn't really get what Louis meant by it. 

"I can make you shiver, moan, groan and all" Louis stated as he ran a finger softly down Liam's arms, loving the goosebumps that appeared. 

Liam blushed as he stood still, his hand still tangled in Louis' hair. 

"You love it" Liam said grinning.

"I do. A lot" Louis grinned as he leaned forward to capture Liam lips. Just as Louis' lips brushed Liam's, the brown eyed boy pulled away. 

Louis groaned in fustration and looked up, a small frown on his face. 

"You like me" Liam mocked him. 

"I like you" Louis said, laughing, 

"I can make you plead, growl, groan and all" Liam giggled as Louis hummed and leaned in to kiss Liam again. This time Liam let him. 

They were happy, just to stand there and kiss sweetly. They felt happy with each other and that definitely was something they never felt. 

Louis' smiled at Liam as he pecked his nose.

"I like you"


Okay so wasn't that just adorable?

I actually thought the starting bit with Zayn was quite funny but that just might be me... anyways I should be in bed right now... My sleeping cycle (???) is very odd...

Okay then. Hope that was good.


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