cнαρтεr 18

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hey :)

So loads of you asked for Jealous Louis, so I guess we are going to get some Jelly Lou (That's literally like heaven) ;p

Oh and I apologise for all this football match stuff. I just have this big thing for footballer Louis (he's not a footballer in this story incase you got cofused. He's just on the school football team)...so as I was saying I have this thing for footballer Louis, like a big thing and I am sure Liam does too. ;p


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Chapter 18



Louis grinned as he stared out into the crowd. It wasn't a lot since this was a school intercross match and not many people came to watch them. But that didn't bother Louis because the person he wanted to see was standing right there, grinning down widely at him.

It made Louis' head pound like crazy. 

They had just won and Louis had scored the winning goal. He couldn't be happier right now. He couldn't feel happier when he saw Liam cheer loudly for him, along with the other lads. 

Honestly the way Liam was making Louis feel was scaring him. All of a sudden all that mattered was Liam and that scared Louis because he clearly remember hating the brown eyed boy just a week ago. 

Louis snapped out of his thoughts when he felt his team mates pull him into a group hug, congratulating him. When Louis was finally free from the group hug, he found Harry and Niall standing a few steps away, Harry's hands holding a pair of handcuffs tightly in his hands.

Louis rolled his eyes as he walked towards the two of them.

"Great match, man" Niall said as he patted his shoulder. 

"Thanks Ni" Louis smiled as he grabbed the bottle of water Harry had offered. 

"Didn't know you were this good or maybe it was just luck" Harry smirked. Louis blushed as his thoughts ran to the kiss Liam had given him for good luck and he decides that they won because of Liam's good luck kiss. 

"Where is Liam?" Louis questioned as he looked around.

"He went somewhere with Zayn, Think they went to grab some food" Niall answered. 

Louis' smile fell as he felt that familiar feeling of jealously grow in the pit of his stomach. He hated how close Zayn and Liam were and it scared him. He didn't want to lose Liam. Not now or ever. He enjoyed Liam being with him. 

Louis brushed off his thoughts. There was nothing to be jealous of. He was the one that Liam snogged, he was the one that felt Liam's soft lips, he was the one that got Liam's good luck kiss not Zayn.

Nothing  to be jealous off. 

"I am going to go get changed. Meet you guys outside the changing rooms" Louis said quietly as he brushed past the two and walked towards the boys' changing rooms. 


Louis was furious. 

"Where are they?" He groaned, checking the time. They have been standing outside the shcool for a good half and hour and Liam and Zayn were still nowhere in sight. Surely, it doesn't take that long to get some food. If Louis said he wasn't jealous before, he definitely was now. 

Liam could've stayed behind for at least 10 minutes and could've just congraluted Louis but no he had to run off with Zayn. 

"There they are!" Harry exclaimed, snapping Louis out of his thoughts. Louis turned around to see Zayn and Liam walking towards them, laughing about something. Laughing.

When Liam looked up to meet Louis' eyes, Louis immediately glared at him and looked away. Louis smirked when he felt Liam's eyes lingering on his as he came and stood next to him.

Before either of them could say anything, Harry reached out and grabbed both of their wrists and handcuffed them together.

"Just two more days" He said as he placed the key safely in his pocket.

Louis made a move to follow the boys as they started to walk towards their dorms upstairs but a tug on his hand stopped him. 

"You are not angry are you?" Liam asked softly, chewing on his bottom lip. 

"No, I am not" Louis said as he turned around and faced Liam properly, he didn't smile at Liam, just stared at him hard and long. 

"I am sorry. It's just that Z-Zayn was hunrgy and I didn't know it was going to take this long" Liam explained. 

Louis shook his head and as he roughly grabbed Liam's waist, ignoring the small gasp that Liam let out Louis led them both upstairs to where all the dorms were.

Louis knew he shouldn't be this jealous because Liam only went to grab some food with Zayn but he still couldn't help it. 

He was so so jealous.


That was probably horrible.

Half way through it I got distracted because the VMAs (so much Ziam ^-^) and that yeah. I hope this was okay and this was only the start of jealous Louis. Promise there's more to come. 


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