Chapter Three

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I open the door to my parents house using the spare key under the flower pot. I walk into the living room taking notes of the many windows. Too many windows. I raise my hand to rub a hand over my hair but knock my mother's favorite vase over and watch as it shatters. Crap.

I crouch down next to it and examine the shards closely cursing my clumsiness. You're a dumbass Ga-

Pain explodes through the back of my skull. I clutch my head and turn standing as something hits me in my side. A figure I can't make out holds a bat high, ready to nail me again. I reach for the bat as the figures knee makes contact with my balls bringing my down on my knee. I groan clutching my aching testicles. The bat hits me in the left temple making the world blur into a collage of colors.

I collapse confused wether to clutching my head or my family jewels. The bat lands on my stomach, stinging. I breath in deeply, desperate for precious oxygen. I try to stand back up but the figure hits me in the balls-again!- with the bat and with one more strike to the head I fall on on my stomach,doubtful I can get back up and unable to make sense of anything.

A light turns on illuminating my mothers living room. "What's going on dear?" I hear my mother's sweet voice ask. "Someone broke into the house!" An unknown voice screeches as I squirm on the carpet in pain.

"An jntruder?! In my home?!"

My hand is pulled away from my face and my mothers wide eyes and rosy cheeks appeared over me. "Oh dear. This is Gavin darling. Not an intruder." My attacker gasps theatrically.

Ten minutes later I sit on the stool with a bag of frozen peas on my groin, glaring at the woman that beat the crap out of me with my own childhood bat. She still hasn't been able to look me in the eye after beating me within an inch of my life. My mother grabs my chin roughly causing pain to shoot through my skull again.

"She really did a number on you," my mom giggles. I send her a bland look. "Really? I hadn't noticed," I say sarcastically. She scowls and rolls her eyes. "Her name's Sam by the way. Sam Hartford. Such a gentleman for asking." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. "These peas aren't frozen anymore," I say setting them on the island counter. She opens the freezer a pulls out a bag of carrots. "She thought you broke in Gavin," my mom says waving the carrots around.

I keep reaching for them but her damn hand keeps moving.

"And I thought I'd be a millionaire. Can you give me the God damn carrots woman!" She throws them at my abused balls making me wince and bring back the urge to vomit. "Do you want me to be sterile woman. I think my testicles have been through enough to last an entire lifetime!"

"And I'm still mad that you even thought about not coming down here. What the hell Gavin?!"

"I'm down here Ma. I'm fucking down here and already regretting it. Despite what you think, I'm not here for shits and giggles. I came here for you! Not for that peice of shit you call a husband," I say popping two Advil into my mouth.

"Well you sure developed quite a mouth the past few years," my mom answers sadly. I clutch her hand, "I'm sorry ma." She nods and squeezes my hand lovingly.

I look up and catch Sam's eyes. She has the strangest eyes I've ever seen. A pale green with small flecks of blue. Her red hair frames her face perfectly bringing out the smooth lines in her face. Her cheeks brighten and she sucks in a sharp breath. Oh I feel the same baby. My gaze drops to her full pink lips.

"Gavin?" My mom asks in a tone that suggested it wasn't the first time she'd called my name. "Yeah?" I ask my voice husky and deep. My attacker was hot. I bite my lip and take in her curves. "Scone?" Ma offers holding the plate out for me. I shake my head and clear my throat, standing up.

"I um checked into the motel in town so I should probably-"

"That's not necessary hon. I already have your room set up," my mom scoffes passing the plate of scones to Sam. "Ma, I doubt y'all want me to stay here. I'll be nothing but a burden," I reply. "Nonsense! You'll stay here. I'm sure Sammy won't mind." I look over at Sam but she just shrugs. Okay then.

Later that night, while Ma is making dinner I make my way into her and my father's bedroom. Sam is already in the room adjusting pillows and arranging pill bottle, speaking to him softly.

"Your son, Gavin, arrived today. I beat him up real nice with a bat though. He's a very handsome man," Sam said. "G-Gavin," my father rasps. She nods enthusiastically.

"Yup. He came down here from Chicago to see you! He's not happy about it but Mrs. McDough gave him a good chewing."

I clear my throat to make my presence known. Sam whips around holding a hand to her chest in surprise. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," I apologize. She smiles and shakes her head, "it's fine. I was just tucking your father in. I was hoping to take him outside tomorrow morning. He's been stuck in here for a week."

"How's your head?" Sam continues. "I've had worse," I answer. "G-G-Gavin," my dad groans. "Your name is the only thing he's been able to say," Sam says.

I walk up to his bed and take in his broken form. He has changed a lot over the past two years. He's lost about ninety pounds. "Hey dad," I say looming over the bed. His lips move but I hear nothing. "I think he needs to rest. But you could walk with us when I take him out in the morning," Sam suggests softly.

I nod and take a deep breath. "Sounds good."

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