Bonus Chapter

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My phone rings again but I continue to ignore it.

"You should just answer it Sam," Trev said, obviously slightly annoyed. I ignored him and paid attention to the movie on TV. I caressed my stomach as the girls went wild with their kicking.

We sat on the couch, Will and Trevor snuggled up at one end and me on the other. My phone rang and Trev grabbed it off the table and answered it. "She doesn't want to fucking talk to you!" Trevor spat out. "Well hello there Irene. Do you know you're sleeping with a married man?" He continued.

My heart raced, why would she call me? I watched as Trev's face sunk and a pained expression crossed his face. "Okay, I'll bring her."

"What going on?" I ask as he hangs up my phone. "We need to go to the hospital sweetheart. Gavin's been hurt in a raid."

Will helps me up as I slip on my shoes, which Trev ties because I'm to big to reach. My thoughts race as I get into the car outside.

I wasted so much time with the man I love the most in this world. An entire twenty four hours I could have had with him.

Will squeezes my hand and only then do I realize I'm sobbing loudly. I fall against his chest, grateful he sat in the back seat with me.

"It's going to be okay Sam," he said softly. When we arrived at the hospital Will helped me walk to the front desk, Trev following close behind.

The nurse looked up from her desk and gasped when she saw my tears. "Are you in labor sweetheart?" She asked as she came out from behind the desk. "No. I'm looking for my husband, Gavin McDough," I sobbed.

She nodded and went back to her computer. "I'm sorry honey. There's no Gavin McDough admitted today."

Trev approached, "please check again. We were told he was hurt."

The nurse checked again but shook her head. "I truly am sorry, but he's not here."


I turned and gasped. Gavin stood before me looking sweaty and dirty, a bulletproof vest. And he's never been more handsome.

I walked to him as fast as I could and wrapped my arms around him. He winced and I pulled away. "Are you okay? What happened? Irene called and said you were hurt really bad," I rushed out.

"I'm fine, just a graze. Irene called you?" He asked confused. "You're not injured?"

"No.... God damnit Irene," he cursed. "I heard my name," a young woman in combat boots and short hair said as she stepped next to us.

"Why the fuck did you call my wife saying I was injured?" Gavin snapped angrily.

"Well someone had to do it. I figured what way to get the domesticated back together again. I mean shit Gavin, you should be thanking me," she said rolling her eyes.

Only then did I realize she was also wearing a vest and had a badge clipped to her waist.

"I told you to leave it Irene," Gavin growls.

"Look you've spend the last couple years protecting me. Now I'm protecting you from screwing this up Gavin. Remember when you told me how love felt, how much you loved your wife? I wanted to ensure that you felt it for the rest of your life," she says, her tough attitude wavering.

I hug Gavin close, savoring his warmth. "So I was wrong. I shouldn't have accused you of cheating," I whipered.

"Damn right. As if I'd ever let this old man touch me. Fuck that, he's like an older brother," Irene said, her mask sliding back on. But it was to late. I saw her. A young woman who was vunerable and scared. She needed my Gavin, he was possibly her only family.

Gavin laughed, completely oblivious to the fact she looked up to him. "Less of the old," he said as he shook his head.

"You're huge," Irene said as she took in my stomach. I laughed and nuzzled Gavin's side.

"Like, giant. Isn't that a little big for six months? You should see a doctor," she said as she bit on her lip piercing. "It's completely normal when they're twins," I comforted.

"Twins! You didn't tell me that asshole!" She shouted at Gavin. He winced as she smacked his arm. Hard. "Yes I did!"

"No, you said babies you dick. That could mean anything," she argued.

"That doesn't even make sense Irene. Why else else would I pluralize baby," he shot back. I chuckled because they sounded like siblings. I think we're gonna be okay.

Four months later

I screamed as my stomach tightened again. "Drive faster!" I shouted.

Gavin flinched and nodded. "We're going to get there baby. We're not to far away."

I didn't know who he was trying to comfort, himself or me.

When the tightness faded I breathed in and out slowly. The twins were already a month overdue. But they decided today, of all days to come into the world.

We had been in the middle of Gavin's recognozation ceremony. I had been in the bathroom washing my hands when my water broke. I had tried to call him but he had turned his phone off so I waited. I waited for nearly half an hour for someone to come in the bathroom to get him.

That's when I had my first contraction. A minor one but it had still hurt like a bitch.

So I slowly waddled out the bathroom and back to the ceremony room filled with nearly four hundred people with a giant wet spot on my dress.

I walked in and a few eyes widened at the sight of me. I walked as fast as I could, which wasn't even a speed walk, to the backstage area. "Oh shit," had been the first words out of the lights manager. "Which one is your husband?" He asked, rubbing my back soothingly.

"Gavin," I had managed, clutching my stomach. The man walked on to stage towards Gavin, who was in the middle of making a speech, and louder than necessary, announced my water had broke. Into a microphone.

Which is why we were racing to the hospital.

I screamed as another contraction riped through me. "Fuck!" I cried.

I've never been more happy to see a doctor as I was when we finally arrived. The journey from there to the maternity room was a blur.

All I know is that somehow I had ended up on my back and a stranger looking at my vagina.

I clutched Gavin's hand as another contraction hit and the doctor told me to push. I pushed as hard as I could. I had never wanted drugs so much but it had been to late when we arrived.

"Push Sam," the doctor said and I did, screaming bloody murder. I felt something slip free and a few seconds later the most beautiful cry filled the room. My first baby girl. Gavin looked down and tears filled his eyes.

"She's gorgeous baby," he whispered.

Just then another contraction hit. "Here comes baby number two. Push Sam. Push."

I squeezed Gavin's fingers as I did. Is it even possible that it hurts more this time? I kept pushing for what seemed like hours before she finally left my body and her small lungs forced out cries.

Seconds later Gavin held both babies, handing one to me. Tears ran down my cheeks. "They are gorgeous," I said. "Thank you Sam. Thank you so much for giving these girls to me. For giving me so much," he cried. I nodded and kissed him softly.

About an hour later our family filled the room. Carson, Amy, Trevor, Will, Irene, Simon, and Gavin's mom looked at us lovingly. "Everyone, this is Clark and Sam's holding Caroline," Gavin announced.

Everyone took turns holding the girls. When Irene reached for Clark, who was laying on my chest, I grabbed her hand. "Will you be their godmother Irene?" I asked.

For the first time since I've known her, she cried. "Yes. God yes," she said.

Eventually the exertion of birth got to me and I fell asleep, dreaming about my husband, my girls, and our family.


The End

I really hope you enjoyed Sam and Gavin's story as much as I did. I appreciate you all so much. ❤

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