Bonus Chapter

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I stare at him as he kneels in front of me, crying. And it shatters me.

"Tell me Gavin."

His head hangs. "Baby, I can't."

I zip up my suit case, "then I can't stay here."

"Sam please trust me. I would never lie to you," he snapped. His temper was rising. I needed to leave before either of us said something we would regret.

He followed me as I made my way down the stairs.

"Then tell me Gavin. Who is Irene?"

"She's someone I work with for fucks sake!" He shouts. "You always meet people you work with late at night?" I ask sarcastically.

I stormed to the front door as he pleaded his case. "It's a work thing Sam. What I do is dangerous and I can't put you in harms way. Not you or my girls!"

Tears threatened to roll down my cheeks at his declaration and I almost gave in. Almost.

"Well, you let me know when the danger has passed," I whisper as I open the door.

Thirty minutes later I knocked on the apartment door. "Sammy!" Trevor, my big brother, shouted excitedly. I took one look at him and burst into tears.

Will, Trevor's boyfriend, handed me a glass of water. "What happened Sam?"

I sniffled and held my head in my hands. "We got in a fight. A really bad one," I whispered as Trevor pulled me against his chest. "Tell me," he urged.

"He was acting shady all day. Taking phone calls out of my vicinity. I overheard him on the phone with someone named Irene. He was talking about meeting her tonight and he can't leave me because I'm pregnant," I said letting out a small cry.

"That fucking bastard! Why the fuck would he cheat on you?! I'm gonna kill his lying, cheating, stupid ass," Trevor swore loudly. I saw Will flinch out of the corner of my eye and a shadow of melancholy cross his face. "When I confronted his about it after he got home he denied it profusely. Said it was someone from work but how many colleagues do you meet at eight at night? He wouldn't tell me anything beyond that," I said, curling further into my brother's comforting arms.

"You wanna stay here for the night?" Will offered. "I don't want to burden you," I replied. "Bitch, please. Go get the guest room ready," Trevor told Will while rolling his eyes at me.

"He doesn't-" I began. "Don't fucking start with me Sammy. You're staying and we'll go kill your errant husband tomorrow," Trevor snapped.

"No! Please Trev, I really just want to stay here with you. Please?" I begged. He nodded reluctantly.

"Room's ready," Will said with a frown. I followed Will as Trevor went to make me a sandwich. "Is everything okay Will?" I asked. "I understand where you're at right now Sam. My last boyfriend cheated on me," he confessed.

"I'm so sorry."

He shrugged, "I have your brother now but it makes me want to wring Gavin's neck for hurting you like this."

"Thank you for being so protective. I just want to get some sleep though."

He nodded as we arrived at my temporary bedroom. I collapsed on the bed, drained emotionally and physically. Within a matter of seconds I was asleep.

The next morning I woke up to my girls kicking my bladder. I managed to relieve myself before taking a shower.

I kept expecting Gavin to pop up and kiss my stomach like he usually did every morning. But he wasn't here. Not yet anyway. Once he found out I was at Trevor's it was only a matter of time before I was home again.

I heard Trev's and Will's voices as I made my way downstairs. "Hurry up," Will cursed.

I went into the kitchen and screamed. I covered my eyes quickly trying to erase the image of my brother on his knees giving Will a blowjob from my retinas.

Will took off and Trevor stood, laughing at my reaction. "Really Trevor? In the kitchen?" I whined.

"My kitchen Missy. And that's not the only thing to happen in here," he said laughing at my horrified expression. "You're sick," I gagged. He just laughed, "I gotta go finish the job." I gagged again at his words.

I poured a bowl of cheerios as he left the room.

My phone buzzed with an incoming call. I sighed when I saw the caller ID.

"What did you do?" Amy demanded. "Good morning to you to," I answered. "Good morning Sam. What did you do?" She demanded again. "I left the house."

"He's going fucking insane Sam. He's been calling Carson non-stop and searched our house looking for you!" Amy snapped.

I shrugged but remembered she couldn't see me. "I don't know what to tell you Amy."

"How about you tell me what the hell happened?" She suggested sarcastically. I sighed and retold the story I had told Trevor last night. "And you just left?!" Amy shouted making me flinch. "I didn't know what to do," I cried.

"You should have given him time to explain Sam-"

"Let me see the fucking phone," I heard Carson demand in the background.

There was a slight commotion before his voice came clear through my phone. "You fucking left?! Your husband is running around My house, scaring My children, looking for you because you fucking left!" He shouted. I jumped at the anger in his voice, never having heard it before. Tears began running down my cheeks quickly. "I'm s-sorry," I sobbed.

I heard Amy yelling at him. "I'm sorry about him Sam. He's a little crazy after my miscarriage."

I remember her telling me about that a few weeks ago. She'd had a brutal miscarriage and been forced to a two week bed rest. Thankfully she was better now.

"I u-understand," I said in between sobs. "You need to talk to Gavin," Amy said.

"I will. I gotta go call you later."

I hung up and cried some more. I heard the floor creak and looked up to see Trev. "That stupid son if a bitch," he cursed before wrapping me in his arms.

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