Bonus Chapter

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Son of a bitch. I fist my hair as I pace in Carson and Amy's living room.

Pain sliced in my jaw as I fell to my knees.

I looked up to see Carson standing over me breathing heavily. "You punched me?" I questioned. "Did you really cheat on her Gavin?!" He shouted.

I shook my head quickly. "No! No I would never do that to her Carson. You know that. How'd you find out? Did you talk to her? Where is she?"

"She doesn't want to talk to you Gavin," Amy said, her soft features curled in anger.

Grayson, there son, ran into the room completely unaware of the tension. "Uncle Gavin!" He shouted excitedly. I flinched slightly at the pain in my back when he jumped into my open arms.

"Do you like my cape? I'm Superman! Do you think I look cool? Come beat the bad guys with me!" He says, not taking a second to breathe.

"I'll be there go play for now."

He ran off and I grasped Amy's shoulders. "I would never think about cheating on her Amy. I fucking love Sam with everything I am," I swore.

I dialed Sam's number, again, only to get her voicemail, again. "Sam, please come home. I need you and my girls." I hung up and hung my head as I sat on the couch at my house.

The phone rang and I raced to answer it. "Sam?"

I quickly deflated when I heard Irene's voice. "Um no. We got a lead on that prick, Lark Donavon. He's been hiding out in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. So get your mopey ass to the office," she droned, hanging up before I had a chance to respond.

I sighed and picked up my U.S Marshal's badge before clipping it to my waist and holstering my gun.

The trip to the Marshals office was long so by the time I arrived everyone was waiting and securing themselves with bulletproof vests. Irene marched toward my car, obviously pissed. I sighed and stepped out the car as she approached me.

"What the fuck took so long? Were you paving the damn street on your way?" She snapped. I rolled my eyes. "Everyone ready to go wheels up?"

She nodded and pushed a vest forcefully into my chest. "We were waiting on you."

I strapped in and followed her to a black truck. "Everyone keep your eyes open. There's a reason our group is small. Donovan has people in the Marshals office so keep this tight lipped. Let's go" I ordered.

People hopped in cars and we were off. "Still having trouble with the missus?" Irene asked.

"Now's not the time Irene."

"You could die tonight. I'd say it's a good of a time as any."

"I don't want to talk about it," I claimed louder than intended, grabbing the attention of the other passengers. "Come on. I'll drop it if you tell me what happened."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Do you forget you're an adult sometimes?" I asked.

"Come on Mr Grumpy. Tell me what went down between you and Mrs McDough," she pressed. "She thinks I cheated on her with you so she left and won't answer my calls," I answered reluctantly. "What a fucking bitch," Irene replied in outrage. "Don't talk about my wife like that Irene."

"Sorry but shit, is she fucking stupid? Blind maybe? How the fuck doesn't she realize how pussy whipped you are?"

"You've been hanging out far to much with the guys."

She shrugged as the car pulled up to the warehouse. I pushed in my ear piece and called for a check in.

When everyone replied I ordered us to move.

"Keep it tight. They might know we're here," I whispered. A crack of a sniper went of and I saw Josh's, a coworker, head snap back as the bullet tore through his head.

Then all hell broke loose. Irene and I ducked for cover as bullets rained down.

For a brief moment I felt like I was back on that mountain in Afghanistan with a bullet in my back. I blinked and was back.

I glanced over the cement barrier I was behind and shot down one the the assailants.

Not even a second later gunfire exploded in my direction. Obviously aimed at me. Our group quickly swept through the gang members and made our way inside.

"It seems deserted," Irene commented. "There is no way they'd protect an empty building. Even they aren't that loyal," I said.

Irene shouted and I turned to find her in the clutches of Lark Donovan and holding a gun to her head. "Shoot the fucker!" Irene shouted angrily. "Shoot me and a bullet goes in her head," Donovan said calmly, making sure to enunciate every word clearly.

I kept my gun raised. "Think wisely marshal, you don't want to hurt this young gorgeous woman now do you?" He asked as his hand snaked up her shirt and grabbed her breast.

I raised the gun higher and took a step toward him. "No no no. Don't do something stupid. Ah now I understand why you protect her so. You're married," he laughs, eyeing my wedding ring. "I bet your wife is sexy. Big tits that drive you crazy."

I flinch slightly as he antagonizes me. "You love your wife don't you Mr McDough? Ah, thought I didn't know your name!?" He asks, shouting the last part.

Irene winces as Donovan's gun presses harder against her head. She looks at me slightly and nods.

My finger tightens over the cold, metal trigger until a bullet races out the barrel and the gun pushes back with the forces. A second gunshot rings out and I dive for Irene as pain rips through me.

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