Chapter Fourteen

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I wore a light cotton dress to the gathering of people because anything else irritated the scratches littering my back.

Gavin thought I was mad that I had them but I liked them there. They represented the passion between the two of us that no one else had. I also enjoyed introducing myself as Gavin's girlfriend every time someone asked who I was.

More people than I thought showed up but Gavin had taken the time to introduce me to some of them. "Hiya there. I'm Trenton Turner," the newest introduction began. I stuck my hand out towards the handsome older man in front of me. "Sam Hartford," I replied looking for Gavin on the crowed.

"What do you do Miss Hartford?" Trenton asked curiously.

"Sam please, and I'm a hospice nurse. I'm taking care of Gavin's father. How about you?" He shrugged and took a drink of the punch in his hand. "I've coached baseball at the local high school for twenty three years."

My eyes widened in surprise. "So your the coach that slept with Katherine." He blushed and walked away without another word.

Hands wrapped around my waist from behind and I leaned into Gavin's hold. "So you met the notorious Coach Turner," he said softly. I nodded and turned to face him. "Quite the..uhh charmer?" He chuckled and nodded too. "Is that the word? I always thought pedophile and creep described him best," he said casually. My head tilted back with a laugh.

"I guess that happens when you sleep with a high school student. How come he was never fired?" I asked curiously.

Gavin shrugged after a moment. "I think Kats mom worked on the school board." I frowned,"Kat?"

"Katherine." He amended. Jealousy coarsed through me. Why did she get a nickname? "I can see the wheels turning in your head darlin'. Don't over think it. I love you remember?" He whispered softly.

My body relaxed and I nodded. "Okay."

He smiled. "Good. Now there's someone I want you to meet." He steered me through the crowd, expertly dodging people. We stopped at an older woman who was at least fifty years old. She was stout but heavy with graying hair. She reminded me of a grandma or a mom. "Sam I want you to meet Nora Hemingway. My fourth grade English teacher," he said. Nora smiled and dismissed the hand I had raised and pulled me into a hug.

"Well aren't you just gorgeous," She fawned smiling widely. "Hi," I mumbled shyly.

"I served with Nora's son in Iraq. I found out who his mother was and we hung out a lot," Gavin explained pain flashing across his features. "Is he here? Your son I mean."

Nora smiled and shook her head. "Unfortunately my Robby passed on into the next life two years back. IED I'm told," Nora said.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized sucking in a quick breath.

"It's okay dear. I know he's in a better place now." We talked and talked until Marjorie made the call for dinner. As a giant mass we all made our way into the kitchen. Marjorie had made a shitload of food.

There wasn't an empty place on any of the counters. Once we all sat down, Marjorie had rented a few tables so we would all fit in the kitchen, Marjorie taped her wine glass, gathering everyone's attention. "I would like to thank y'all for coming tonight. It means a lot to me that all Lawrence's and I's best friends and family are at this dinner table. Most of y'all have either grown up with or been there to see my boy grow up. But he's not a boy anymore. He's a man. Not counting the times he's an immature asshat.." Marjorie trailed off. Everyone laughed including Gavin and I. Gavin tilted his beer towards his mom.

I moved onto his lap and he kissed my cheek as his mother continued.

"When Gavin left high school senior year I was pissed. I'm not gonna lie. When he told me he had signed up for the military I fainted. I shit you not. I collapsed. No mother looks forward to seeing their child, their blood, go off to war. The same applied for my baby. I was terrified. Tomorrow he's leaving," she choked and covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes. "Ma," Gavin began attempting to stand. She shook her head and motioned him to sit back down. "Tomorrow he's leaving and he is coming back. He has to come back. I'm not giving him a choice."

Tears tracked down her cheeks. "Let's eat!" She declared.

Dinner went by quickly and eventually all the guests left. "Finally," Gavin groaned spreading out on the couch. "You didn't enjoy tonight?"

"Sure, but I also enjoy the quiet." I snuggled up to him. Enjoying his warmth.

"I love you," I said as I drifted off. "I love you to."

Someone shaking my shoulder woke me up however long later. "Gavin?" I asked taking in his silhouetted figure. "I'm gonna leave in a bit," he whispered in my ear. "Where?" I asked groggily.

His hand cupped my cheek as his thumb caressed my cheekbone. "To the airport. I deploy today." I clutched his hand to my face tightly. "No. Don't leave me," I begged my world shattering. "Sam," he pleaded, his voice catching. "Please don't leave Gavin," I said sitting up.

"Sam. I have to sweetheart. I'm about to leave for the airport you wanna come?" He asked. I nodded but answered yes because I wasn't sure he could see me in the dark.

I didn't bother changing out of my pajamas. Today was to saddening to do anything.

When I stepped outside the breath in my lungs wheezed out. Gavin stood tall in his Marine camo carrying a duffel bag. Jesus Christ! A man has never looked so good.

He smiled and nodded at whatever his mom said and hugged her gently.

The airport was chilly so I wore Gavin's military jacket as we walked to his terminal. Gavin hugged his mom tightly comforting her shuddering body. When he pulled away she was crying hard making no attempt to hide her tears anymore. When he turned to me I leaped. I hugged him tightly, pain seeping into my bones.

His mouth sealed over mine. His tongue tangled with mine taking everything I had to offer and I kissed him back just as ferociously.

It was definitely not a kiss given in front of your mother. "Flight 290 to Pennsylvania is boarding in fifteen minutes." I squeezed my eyes shut hearing his flight called. He clutched me tighter.

When our lips finally parted we were both panting for breath. "Please don't leave," I begged in a last ditch effort to keep him at my side.

"I have to," he said pulling away. I released him and nodded. "I love you Gavin," I whispered.

"I love you to Sam." I handed him back his coat reluctantly. He took it and turned towards the terminal. He stopped about halfway and looked back at me, waving. I waved back and smiled.

I stared until he was out of sight and sobbed. Marjorie wrapped her arms around me. "It's okay dear. It's okay."

But it wasn't. Not until he was at my side again.

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