Bonus Chapter

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"There's no need to complicate.
Our time is short.
This is our fate,
I'm yours.

Do you want to come on, scooch on over closer, dear
And I will nibble your ear," I whispered in her ear.

I lifted her and spun around, her dress billowing out behind her.

"I love you Gavin," Sam said smiling. As the song came to a close we pulled away and everyone began clapping.

"To the newlyweds!" My mom shouted. Everyone cheered as Sam and I made our way back to our table. I put on a brave smile as pain shot up and down my legs into my back. Stupid fucking injury.

"Congrats man," Carson Andrews said and slapped my shoulder.

"Thanks man," I said laughing. I'm married to the most amazing woman on earth, finally. It took two year after Carson's accident before Sam and I had finally gotten married.

"Let's go sit baby," Sam said tugging my hand.

I followed her to our table, stumbling slightly. "Son of a bitch," I cursed, clutching the back of a chair catching a few people's attention.

Sam wrapped her arm my waist. "Did you take your meds baby," she whispered.

"No, I wanted to be clear headed on my wedding night. I'm sorry," I apologized. "Don't apologize, I'll get your cane," Sam said.

"No. Don't, I'll be fine. Promise," I said as we took our seats. I'm thirty one, I shouldn't need a fucking cane to walk! My back has gotten so much worse the last two years. But on my wedding night? Really?

"Hey! I'm gonna make a speech!" Amy, Carson's wife, slurs drunkenly. I look over at Carson to see him shaking his head with his one year old daughter, Olivia on his hip and his five year old, Grayson, sitting next to him. "Gavin! I'm making a speech for you guys, pay attention!" Amy shouted. I turned and smiled. "I'm listening sweetheart."

"You're married now. And I love you Gavin! But you hurt that girl I'll hunt you down and...and...and...what's that word?"

"Castrate?!" Simon Pallas offered unhelpfully. "Yeah! And I'll castrate you. The same goes for you Sam, you hurt him I'll... I'll punch you in the boob!" Amy said. Everyone laughed at her drunkenness.

Carson ran up to the stage and helped her off it. "We have awesome friends," Sam said laughing.

I nodded chuckling. I leaned over and kissed her. Her tongue pushed into my mouth. "Fuck I love you," I said laughing. I tipped back the rest of my gin, taking a strange liking to the burn.

"We're married Gavin! You're my husband," she said excitedly. "And you're my wife baby," I said kissing her hand softly.

It really was a novelty. After three years of knowing each other and falling in love, we were actually married. And I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel damn good.

"You gonna tell me where we're going for our honeymoon?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Telling you would defeat the purpose of a surprise," I said laughing loudly. Speaking of, twenty minutes before it was time to go.

I thanked the heavens our guests had opted not to throw rice at us as we ran into the rented limo.

"I hope you packed for warm weather," I say casually. "Why?" She says excitedly. "It gets pretty hot in Italy this time of year."


Three weeks later

I laid back on the sun lounger, shirtless with my aviators. I want to stay in Italy for the rest of my life. Arm wrap around my shoulders and I smile.

"Morning sleeping head," I rasp. "I wouldn't have slept so late if you hadn't worn me out so much last night," Sam giggled.

"You complaining?"

"Hell no. Feel free to wear me out as much as you want. But I'm gonna need awhile, sore as hell," she said moving to take a seat in my lap.

"I'll take that under advisement," I mumbled, pushing my hand up her shirt, her warm skin soft.

Her head tipped back as my mouth traced her breasts. "I love you Sam," I whisper to her. She looks down at my face and smiles. "I love you more."

"Two more days of paradise," I laugh. "Ugh, then back to real life. Do you have to go to work the morning after we land?"

I nuzzle my face between her boobs. They seem larger than normal.

"Yeah. The Marshals want to put me on this big case everyone is working on." I pull her shirt over her head and gently bite her nipple. "Gavin," she groans. I love it when she says my name like that.

She reaches down and pulls me out of my pants. I shove her panties to the side and she sinks onto me.

I check my watch for the billionth time in the last twenty minutes. Sam and I are supposed to go to dinner tonight and I set our reservation for seven thirty. It's seven twenty. We're gonna be late. Fuck.

"Sam!" I shout as I make my way into the bedroom of our honeymoon villa.

I find her sitting on the edge of the bed staring at her phone. "Sam, we're gonna be late," I say softly. She looks up and I see tears flowing down her cheeks, her eyes red and puffy.

I crouch in front of her and clutch her hand. "What's wrong baby?"

"I'm sorry," she chokes out and begins sobbing. "Sam. What's going on?" I ask, my panic skyrocketing. "I'm late," she cries loudly.

"It's just dinner baby," I answer, chuckling. "No Gavin. I'm late," she stresses.

I pause and stop laughing. "You mean...." I trail off.

"It's a possibility," she whispers. "Holy shit. Oh my God. Holy fuck. I'll um...test! I'll go buy a test. You stay!" I shout even as I'm running out the door.

When I reach the drug store I grab about ten pregnancy tests and place them on the counter. Do I wanna be a dad? Okay that's a stupid question. I want lots of babies with Sam but am I ready? I pay the cashier and drive like a mad man back to the villa.

"That was fast," Sam mumbles as I dump the bags contents onto the bed. "There in Italian," I realize in panic.

"It's the same Gavin. One line line for no, two for yes. You didn't have to buy so many," she whispers. I shrug and hand her a box. "Pee on it," I demand. She rolls her eyes and snatches it from my hand.

I follow her into the bathroom and pace while she pees. She sets it on the counter when she's done. "What's it say?"

"We have to wait a few minutes," she answers and grabs my face.

"What if it says yes?" She asks me. "Then we'll be parents," I manage over the lump in my throat. "Gavin, what are you thinking?"

I lean against the counter for support. "What if I'm not a good dad?" I choke out. "Oh baby," she sobs hugging me tightly. "You're going to be an amazing dad. If this test says yes our kid will be the luckiest ever born. To have you as a father is a blessing all on its own."

I squeeze her against me. "I love you so much. You're my everything."

"I love you too. It's time to check the test," she says before pulling away.

Moment of truth. She lifts it and a fresh set of tears glaze her eyes. "We're gonna be parents."


Okay this is the first bonus chapter in Temporary Hate. I really hope y'all enjoyed it. 😊

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