Chapter Twelve

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I'll admit, I didn't know how to react when Gavin told me that Katherine had kissed him last night. But now, as light shines through the window and I look at his gorgeous sleeping face, I realize that I'm glad he told me because I'm falling for him.

I'm falling for Gavin McDough. Fear clutches me tightly as I realize I'm falling for Gavin McDough and he's leaving in a few days.

He's leaving to go across the ocean and fight, guns shooting at him with any chance of being hit by a stray bullet. I clutch him tightly and he stirs slightly, groaning something about catfish. "Gavin," I say shaking him. His eyes open slowly and he glances at me tiredly. "Hey," he rasps horsley in a deep southern accent.

"Hey," I say back. I smile as he stretches and let's out a small groan. I plant a kiss on his cheek and slowly work down to his neck. His arms wrap around me and pulled me so I lay on top of him.

"Jesus, you are so beautiful," he says reaching up to caress my cheek.

I feel a vicious blush creep into my cheeks. "So you keep reminding me." He shrugged. "I can't deny the obvious yeah?"

My answer was a steamy kiss and a smile. He groaned and pulled my shirt off. The man literally has no self control. Not that I'm complaining.

Later in the day I was giving Mr McDough a sponge bath when I heard a loud crash. I stepped outside looking around to see what the commotion was. I called out, asking if everything was okay but no one replied. I walked into the kitchen and gasped when I saw a large skunk on the island counter. I screamed and it's tail raised and sprayed a very foul odor all over my shirt.

I heard racing footsteps and Gavin whipped around the corner and I saw him gag.

"Help," I pleaded tears welling up in my eyes.

"Oh, sweetheart," Gavin laughed as he took in the skunk and the liquid covering my shirt. "Its not funny!" I cried, my tears spilling over. Gavin stifled a smile and grabbed a broom to sho the animal away. Once it was gone he came close to hug me but stopped a few feet away and gagged again. "Oh dear," Marjorie said shaking her head and pinching her nose closed. I stood in the middle of the room, crying with Gavin on one side and Marjorie on the other. "Help," I said again. "Take your shirt and pants off," Gavin insisted. I frowned through my tears. "Why my pants?" I looked down and noticed some of the spray had gotten on my jeans. "Oh."

He nodded and made a hurry up motion with his hands. I stripped and he came close and lifted me into his arms.

When he turned his head away slightly at the smell, my tears came faster. He set me in the shower when we reached his room and turned the hot water high. "Why are you crying baby?" Gavin asked smiling.

I sniffled before I answered. "Because I got sprayed by a stupid skunk and now I smell so bad that you can't even get near me without gagging," I sobbed. "Oh darlin'. It's not you it's the skunk. I promise, as soon as we get you all cleaned up I'll be more than ready to be close to you and fuck you," he promised laughing slightly.

"But I smell so bad!"

Gavin nodded and kissed my forehead. "You'll be cleaned up soon baby."

That eased my pain a little and thirty minutes later I smelled better. Slightly better but still better. Thankfully Marjorie had finished Mr McDough's sponge bath so that was one less concerned for the day.

Gavin had left to get some kind of special skunk soap and wouldn't be back for an hour or so.

I hated how much I missed him, especially knowing that two days from now he would be gone for at least eight months maybe even a year. And I had no guarantee that when he came back we'd still be together, or if he'd come back at all.

The horror of him not coming back alive scared me beyond reason.

I sighed and spread out on the bed. I didn't know I had dozed off until I woke up disoriented and Gavin walking into the room. "Hey," I whispered horsley. He smiled and held up a small box with a picture of a skunk on the cover. I groaned completely forgetting my unusual odor.

"Dinners ready so you can do it later," he suggested. I nodded and made my way towards him. His nose wrinkled and he shook his head. "Shower first," he said holding the wash out towards me.

"Ass," I said laughing, snatching the body wash.

After my shower I smelled like antibiotics and other healthy crap but as long as I didn't smell like skunk it was okay.

I made my way downstairs and heard the conversation Gavin was having with his mom. "No! You have to wait! She'll be down in a minute," Marjorie snapped. "But I'm hungry," he complained just as I wrapped around the corner. "Well I'm her," I said sticking out my tongue. His eyes widened joyously and he reached for the bowl of mashed potatoes. Marjorie scowled and smacked his hands away.

"Woman," he growled. "Oh don't you woman me. Touch the food again before Sam's sits down I'll dig out your grandfather's old cane and whack you with it," Marjorie threatened.

Gavin sat back in his chair and looked at me expectantly. "What?" I asked raising my chin.

"Are you gonna sit down? Some people are really hungry you know!" I smiled at his grumpiness and sat in the chair next to him. Dinner went by quickly and afterwards I made my to Mr McDough's room. "Time for your meds again Mr McDough," I said cheerfully. His eyes brightened and I whiped away the drool that pooled by his cheek. When I finished taking care of Gavin's father I snuggled into my bed, completely drained.

Later in the night I felt the bed shift and Gavin pulled me closer to his body where I eventually fell asleep.

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