Chapter 1: Late for the date

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Hey guys!:) This is my first story here on Wattpad, hope you enjoy! Read. Comment. Vote:)) :D

Cammy's POV

"I can't believe we leave tomorrow!" my best friend shouts with excitement as she plops down onto my bed.  

"Me either Jilly!" I say with equal enthusiasm. "I still have a lot of packing to do, and I have to go visit Mark before 6 tonight."

Reaching into my closet, I pick out a cute outfit for the date and turn back around to see a disapproving face.

"Camrynn Nichole Emerson! I can't believe you still haven't packed!"

I roll my eyes at her.

"You know I hate being called Camrynn, it's such a boy's name," I say.  I swear my dad wanted a boy.

"Okay then Cammy, you need to pack," she says as she gets up off the bed.

Her phone begins blasting music and she sticks her tongue out at me as she makes her way over to it. "Carson! Whatcha up to?" She says, answering the phone.

She is always upbeat and happy and I love her for that. As I'm about to pick out a shirt to go with my neon blue skinny jeans, she hurries over and begins digging through my clothes to find the perfect top to go with it, while agreeing with whatever Carson just said. She feels like she always has to help me dress as trendy as I can since she wants to be a fashion designer. Not that I'm complaining, the outfits are always cute. She finally pulls out a long, white tank top that has a black and white glittery rose on the front of it and smiles as she hands it to me. I stare at it, unsure of her choice. I haven't worn it since she made me buy it two months ago during a shopping trip.

Her smile suddenly fades away as she says, "Oh no you won't Carson Anderson! That window seat is mine! I can't stand the thought of sitting at the aisle and having some fat, sweaty man bumping into me and spilling his Nachos and cheese all over me...and then still continue to eat them!" Her face holds a look of sheer terror.

I burst out laughing at the thought, receiving an evil stare from the blonde.

I'm not as excited to be on an airplane as the other two are. Just the thought of being thousands of miles in the air makes me want to puke.

She puts the phone against her chest and says, "I'll see you later Cammy, good luck on your date." I nod and she smiles at me before she hurries out of the room. From a distance I can still hear her fussing at Carson as she makes her way down the stairs and out the door. Chuckling to myself, I feel something lightly jump onto the bed. I look over to see my cat, Rebel.

"Those two are something, aren't they boy?" I say as I pet his back. He rubs against my side, agreeing with a meow.

As I lie back onto the bed, I close my eyes. It's funny how close we three are. It's only been a year since we met in one of our college courses but it feels like forever.

Carson is studying to be an architect and is very good at what he loves. Jilly and I have already blackmailed the poor boy into promising that he will design our future homes. I myself, am an artist. I could sit and draw for hours and never get bored. I will definitely be drawing during that awful plane ride.

When Jilly and I heard about the upcoming trip to London for an exploration seminar, we ran all the way to the office to sign up, dragging Carson the whole way there. I don't know why he comes around us more than he has to, we are always bothering him in some way.

I have always dreamed of going to London ever since I was little so there is no way I could miss this amazing opportunity.

I sigh, remembering that Mark won't be coming with us. I begged and begged him but no matter what I did he always said no. We have been together for a year today and even though I'm sad he won't be coming with us, I'm very excited to see what he has planned for us tonight.

I sit up and notice that it's almost 3.

"Oh crap!" I say, jumping off the bed. I hurry to put on my clothes for the date and choose some white flats to go with it. I take my hair out of its pony tail, revealing the mess of curls.

Ugh, I have a lot of work to do. Don't get me wrong I love my curly hair, but I always wonder what it would be like to have pretty straight hair like Jilly's.

I stare at my reflection and lean forward onto my elbows. Bright green eyes look back at me and my mouth forms into a pout. My hair is in one of its unfixable moods. 

As I stand up to go to the bathroom to get some hair products to tame it, my phone begins to go off.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else! The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tellll, you don't know oh-oh! You don't know you're beautiful!

What the heck? That's not my ringtone.

"Stupid Jilly," I say as I pick up my phone and wonder who the catchy tune is by. 

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey it's Mark," says the voice on the other line.

"Oh hey babe, what's up?" I ask, hurrying into the bathroom to try to tame my mane of dark brown curls.

"I'm about to head that way, you ready?" he asks slowly. He knows I'm never on time for anything.

"Umm just about," I answer. I set the phone down and put him on speaker so I can use both hands to run the product through my mess of hair.

"Okay well I'll see you in five, bye." he says.

"FIVE?!" I shriek. "Mark wait! Don't-" I start, but all I hear is a dial tone.

"AUGHHH!" I shout as I run into my room, trying to find a hairbow to put my hair up with.

My cat jumps off of my bed and runs out of the room, leaving me to fuss to myself. Figures. He only stays for food or if he wants something.

I put my hair into a low side pony tail and apply some mascara, eye liner, and eye shadow. I take a deep breath and  hear a loud knock at the door.

"Just a second!" I yell down the stairs.

I take a look at myself one more time in the mirror and decide that I look pretty good. "Jilly would approve." I say, smiling at my reflection. I jog down the stairs and open the door to see Mark staring at me slightly annoyed.

"Hey sorry, wasn't ready." I say quickly, hugging him.

"Sure," he replies. He doesn't even bothering to hug back. "Can we go now?"

"Of course," I answer with a smile. I wrap my arm around his and we head out to his car.

We climb inside the car and I try to contain my excitement. He starts the vehicle and just backs out of the driveway without a glance over to me. He's being very quiet and it's starting to bother me. 

"So where are we going?" I ask as I take his hand.

"I don't know, how about Olive Garden?" he answers with no expression.

He used to be so fun to be with, but lately he hardly tries to have conversation. "Is something wrong?" I ask, searching for his eyes.

He just stares forward and doesn't say anything.

"Babe come on, you can tell me." I try again. "Oh I bet it's about me leaving tomorrow isn't it?" I ask, receiving no reaction once again.

"It's only a month Mark, it'll be over in no time." I say, smiling at him. I lean over to kiss his cheek, hoping he will perk up. He only looks over at me for a second and then turns his focus back to the road. There is really something wrong with him.

I begin to get the courage up to ask again but he interrupts my thoughts by saying, "We're here."

I look up to see us in the parking lot. I didn't even feel the car roll to a stop. I begin to climb out and look up to see Mark almost half way to the door.

I have a feeling this day isn't going to be as good as I first thought. Happy One Year Anniversary to me. Woo.

What did ya think?:) The picture attached is how I see Cammy:) I'll update soon(:


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