Chapter 28: I'd Never

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Hey guys!:) Here's your update:DD  Enjoy!!:)) Thank you sooo much for all your support!:) Here soon Christine and I are going to start writing our first fan fic together!:D It's going to be a Niall Horan fan fic called Second Time's The Charm. :)) So look for that here in the next month!:) <33

If you want a dedication, just tell me!:)  This chapter is dedicated to Curls_and_Irish_Luck :) Hope you like it!:DD


Cammy's POV:

 The alarm clock goes off, rudely waking me up from my dream and making me want to throw it across the room.

Yawning, I lean over to turn it off and then begin stretching.

While examining my hands in the air above me, I remember the events of yesterday. Harry knows about Mark. He knows…and I don’t know how to feel about it. It’s not like he knows every specific little detail about Mark and I’s relationship, but I still feel uncomfortable about him knowing anything at all. I don’t know why, I just do. I don’t want to be questioned about it, and I just want to put it all behind me. How am I supposed to tell Harry that the one and only boy I've ever loved cheated on me, dumped me, and left me alone with no money in a restaurant... just a few days before now? I don’t want his pity. I just want everything to be how it was before Harry heard me yelling for Mark.

I sigh and close my eyes, letting my hands drop from above me.

“Ow!” someone beside me cries out.

I jump about three feet in the air and rise up to see Carson holding his face.

“Carson! What are you doing in my bed?!” I yell, trying to hold back my laugh.

The sound from my hand smacking his cheek was loud and quick, so I know it had to hurt.

He sits up and looks around him. “You know… I don’t know.” He says while chuckling.

I look to Jilly’s bed to see her sprawled across the top of the bed without covers and Ally on the floor in front of the door.

What the heck?

I start laughing and get up.

How can they be so tired that all three of them fall asleep in weird places?

I walk over to wake up Jilly while Carson goes to wake Ally and then I go to take a shower.

They are so weird but I love them anyway. Even Ally, though I don’t know her as well as them she is a part of us now.

Stepping out of the shower, I look at my hair in the mirror and decide to just put it up today.

I put on my housecoat and walk out to our little mini kitchen.

“Good morning.” I say to the three of them.

They all smile at me as I take a seat beside them.

“Cammy, you should let Ally do your hair.” Jilly says, motioning to the black haired girl.

She smiles at me and points to Carson who has his back to us.

I cover my mouth to keep from laughing as I see that she put little pigtails on each side of his head.

“How did you manage to do that without him knowing?” I ask her quietly, still giggling.

“He fell back asleep while you was in the shower so I just carefully got parts of his hair and put it in and he still hasn’t noticed.” She answers, grinning at me.

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