Chapter 19: Apologies

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Hi everyone!:)) New chapter!! :DD  Ya'll are awesome!! Look at the gif of Nialler! Ain't he beautiful? n_n  haha  <3  Hope you like it!!!! READ. VOTE. COMMENT. FAN!:))

Dedication to Katie! She is a loyal reader & I love her username!!:DD Hope you enjoy it!!

Harry's POV:

With Jilly and Carson’s help I get the address and a little bit of advice. Though they won't tell me why she seems to be hiding something deep within her, I have to find it out myself they said.

As I wait at the bus stop, I throw my hood up, hoping that I won't be recognized.

The bus arrives and I go up top, to the very back to stay unnoticed.

I have no idea how she will react to seeing me but I have in mind what I want to say to her.

The bus rolls to a stop and I notice that we are at my destination. I look down to my sweaty palms, swoop my hair to left, and walk down the stairs and off the bus.


I walk up to the door and freeze.

What if she doesn’t want to see me?

I force the question to the back of my mind and knock on the door.

I hear a muffled groan and then a familiar voice that causes me to smile.

“Who is it?” she asks.

“House keeping.” I say, still smiling.

 I don’t even know where that came from, it just popped in my head.

 I have to bite my lip so that I won't laugh as she opens the door without even looking at me.

“There are some towels in the bathroom and-”she begins but stops when she sees it's me.

“Harry?” she says, sounding surprised.

“How did you-“she starts but before she can continue, and possibly yell at me I stop her.

“Hello Cammy, may I come in?” I ask, smiling at her and trying to look as innocent as possible so that she doesn't punch me.

She doesn't argue, she moves out of the way so that I can walk in.

I step inside andd take in my surroundings. I see there is a bedroom to my right, walk in, and sit down on the bed.

She looks unsure and a little confused as she stares in my direction.

“Can you come here please?” I ask, patting the spot beside me.

She slowly walks over and hesitates as she sits down beside me.

I can tell she doesn’t like the situation so I stand up and hold out my hand for her to take.

Great she probably thinks I'm creepy now.

 “We can go talk on the balcony, if that would be better for you?” I say, seeing her instantly relax and nod.

Surprisingly, she actually takes my hand and lets me lead her to the balcony without letting go.

I open the door and let her step out first.

The air feels good and there is a nice breeze, it helps me feel somewhat better and more confident that everything will be fine.

I sit down and she is still standing up, looking disgusted.

Aw maybe she doesn’t like my outfit or do I just look funny in general? No! That can’t be it. I crack myself up.

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