Chapter 6: Confusion & WET PAINT

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A/N: Hi everyone!:) A long chapter for you!:D Enjoy n_n <33 At the top is a picture of the painting, Whaam by Roy Linchtenstein. I chose this for them to meet at because in the story it reminds Zayn of is ZAP tattoo:)


Cammy's POV

Stepping off the plane, everyone has to go through the same steps of baggage claim and ID checks. I know that as soon as the last ID of the group is verified, I will be outside in the blink of an eye. It's hard to wait for something you've been wanting while you can see it right in front of you. 

As the last person in the group joins us all, Jilly and I immediately look at each other with full energy.

We each bolt out of the airport, drop our luggage, and dance around outside in the wonderful fresh air.

"Land!" She calls out excitedly, throwing both arms in the air.

"Freedom!" I yell, twirling around in circles.

Okay, maybe I do act like I'm four sometimes but if you just got off of an 8 hour flight, you would be happy too.

Taking in a breath, I begin looking at my surroundings. I'm so excited to get out and around here!

"A little help here?!" We hear someone say with a struggle in their voice. We turn around to see Carson carrying all our luggage plus his and one thing of Ally's.

I smile at him and take my luggage, relieving him of the weight.

 "Aww good boy!" I say, messing up his hair, making the other two girls laugh.

He makes a face at me and Ally steps forward and pets his hair to make it lay back down and smiles at him.

"Attention students of the University of Washington," someone shouts through a bullhorn.

We all turn to the direction of the sound to listen to what they are going to say next. 

"I have here a paper that has all of your names, room numbers, and who you will be sharing that room with." Mr. Gonsalas starts. Mrs. Mall then grabs the bull horn.

"And I have your schedules and some brochures for you guys to get after your name has been called and you have received your room number." She finishes, handing the loud device back to him with a smile.

"As I call your name, come up and get your things and stand off to the side until the Double-Decker buses get here." 

"These buses are what we will use to travel around London in the month we are here." Mr. Tate adds, finally speaking.

"Double-Decker bus?" I ask, only loud enough for Jilly to hear. She waves me away and shushes me. I stick my tongue out at her, causing her to smile.

Luckily for us we all receive our schedules fast since the first letter of our last names are towards the beginning of the alphabet.

"Room 107." Mr. Gonsalas says, smiling at me as I turn to get my things from Mrs. Mall.

I walk back over to an excited Jilly.

"My schedule is great!" She exclaims. She then begins talking about all of the fashion & designer places she will get to visit throughout the month.

I turn to Carson to ask him about his schedule but see that he is talking about it with Ally and decide to ask later.

"What about you, do you like your schedule?" Jilly asks as I turn back around.

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