chapter one

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Today my dad and I moved into his soon to be wife's house my dad met her at a party that one of his friends dragged him to I was getting a new brother his name was Mike my dad told me he liked sports and watching sports. I'm not really into sports all that much I like video games and anime hopefully this guy won't make fun of me since, I'm gay at least it won't be as bad as it was at my old school I used to get bullied everyday by this guy name Alex he made me miserable he would beat me up everyday got my money taken and got my head dunked in the toilet. Now that I've got a new family and going to a new school my life will finally have no more problems,

Mike's POV

I had finally helped my new brother finished putting stuff into his,room his dad and my mom were going to be married in three weeks and Chris and I would be new  brothers I hope we get along I've never had a brother or a sister before. So I am hoping that I make an good impression. On him if not then I don't know what I will do but my mom loves his dad so that'll be good for my father use, to beat me and here whenever he got drunk he almost killed my mom when he got home, I just hope that this guy won't hurt my mom again she's a good woman so I hope this guy keeps her safe

((Hey guys sorry this isn't a update but I just wanted to fix some things before I moved on to chapter two))

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