Chapter 30

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Today hasn't been too bad today everyone in school has been supportive about mine and Derek's relationship. Well almost everyone his basketball friends still have a problem with it, but we don't care we love each other and that's all that matters to us the teachers are supportive as well in this school. No one is allowed to bully anyone no matter what they are and I think that is amazing I love this school and I love all my friends and my boyfriend. I have never felt so loved before well expect for my mom and dad I was really happy when my parents accepted me being gay I could still adopt kids if I wanted to which is what I want to do but after I am successful in life not yet though it was the end of the period that I had with Emily and Amy it was study hall so we all just studied for our exams we don't have to take but a couple of testes. We still studied until Emily groaned ", This is so boring" the teacher hushed Emily costing the whole class to laugh but the teacher hushed them too Emily groaned quietly this time I let out a little laugh shaking my head at her I admired how strong Emily was she and Amy where the closest thing I ever had to sisters since I don't have any ". Hey guys we should go on a triple date this weekend and go see the new Captain Marvel movie!" Amy said excitedly she was a huge marvel fan so anything coming out marvel was a big deal for her ", Yeah sure why not things are kind of tense at home with me and Mike anyways it'll be nice to get out of the house" , Oh no what happened? Did you guys get in a fight?" Amy asked me looking worried I just shook my head "No not exactly that I'll tell you guys later Derek and I are riding home again today like this morning so I'll just tell you guys later" they both nodded and we went back to work soon it was time to go home I went to gym to go get Derek. When I suddenly heard yelling it sounded like Derek and those guys from his basketball them they were arguing about something, I couldn't really heard but I knew it was about me then the door opened Derek walked out with a couple of bruises on his face I looked at the other guys they looked worst than Derek I kissed Derek gently on his cheek "My hero thank you" Derek blushed smiling taking my hand in his walking out of school and into his parents car they greeted us asking if everything, was okay at school then his mom asked him what happened he said he got hit in the face with the ball at basketball practice I guess he didn't want to tell her what happened with those guys then the rest of car ride was silent. Only the sound of the birds chirping outside was heard we held hands and cuddled close, to each other ". Hey want to go see Captain Marvel movie Saturday? It's gonna be a triple date with the others" I asked Derek he kissed my head gently and nods ". Sounds good who are we pool driving with?" he asked me while playing with my hand softly " I'll ask Amy since it was her idea" Derek nodded before giving me a gently kiss on my lips I kissed back then pulled away with a goofy grin on my face I got out saying goodbye to Derek and his parents walking into the house "Mom! Dad! I'm home" no one answered until I saw Mike walking out of the kitchen with a apple in his hand "They aren't home from work yet but they will be soon" . Oh okay then" I sigh sitting on the couch then he sits next to me ". We need to talk" we suddenly say at the same time before, looking at each other as we both said it I wonder what Mike wants to talk to me about whatever it is I hope it will stop us from being weird with each other. 

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