Chapter 19

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I woke up in Mike's strong arms we cuddled all morning  since we didn't have school we stayed in bed longer until we smelled food we went downstairs to eat. When we came down mom made us fruit salad, pancakes, orange juice and muffins she smiled at us cheerfully "Eat up boys we have a busy day ahead of us" Mike and I smiled before we started eating I enjoyed very bite of my food dad, came downstairs a few minutes ago finding mom a kiss on the lips causing both Mike and I to groaned in disgust they laughed at us and continued their love of affection to each other. Even though they had been married for six months already they still act like they are in love and I hope it stays that way it reminded me so much how my mom and dad would act they were married for nine years so, it was hard for my had when my mom died he barley came out of his room only for talking to me or going to work but seeing my dad all happy and smiling makes me really happy after their make out section they finally decided to join us for breakfast. Everything was so good but I didn't want to eat too much we're having a picnic at the park later and I decided that I would hold off on eating after breakfast Mike and I did the dishes Mom and dad went to get stuff ready Mike kissed my lips and my eyes widen I gently pushed him away ". Mike we can't mom and dad will be here soon" he looked into my eyes smiling a bit "I know but I can't hold back one kiss just to hold me off for the day" He kissed my lips this time with, his tongue in my mouth he swirled his tongue around inside kissing deeper. I kissed him back but as soon as we heard our parents we pulled apart then finished up "Okay kiddos ready to go?" My dad asks smiling Mike and I laughed and nodded mom, got the picnic basket and dad had the blanket I left my phone home because I wanted to enjoy time with my family today was going to be a good day. First we went a water it had slides and pools and places for the adults as well mom and dad told us that they'll come to get us later Mike spotted his friends then spoke with them for awhile, then finally changed into our swim trunks ". Hey Chris you know how to swim right?" Mike asked me and I nodded "Yeah when I was younger my mom and dad took me swimming a lot so I'm good at it" I smiled brightly at him and he smiled back and nods "Okay let's go to the swirly derpy then!" I followed Mike as he ran to it was freaking huge it was one of those sides that had three loops it was bright orange and there was a line to get there we stood there for half a hour it was finally our time to go I slided down then Mike did we laughed as we went around and around three times then landed in the water the water felt cool on my skin. Mike splashed me with water and smirked I laughed then did it back to him we went back and fort doing that to each other until we got bored it then we went to another and that was bigger than the first one was it had six loops and a bigger land we waited then it was our turn this time Mike wrapped his arms around my waist then we slided down it was faster than the last one too lucky I had Mike with me we landed in the water swimming up we shook the water from our hair "Mike this is amazing! Thank you!" Mike smiled and ruffled my hair "No problem I'm glad you're having fun come on let's go again!" we continued going down slides and swimming it was awesome, we had our picture taken by a young lady who flirted with Mike I felt a bit jealous but I didn't show it after that we got changed and got into the car. We went to the park where they had a picnic table area Mike and I swung on the swings while mom and dad set up ". I never knew I would love this place so much I love the school and my friends!" I shouted happily Mike smiles softly "I'm glad you have friends to be with they look like great girls" I nodded then sighed "I was worried it was going to have no friends or I was going to be alone but I haven't been bullied or alone I'm glad I haven't I'm really happy" Mike chuckles "good if they mess with you let me know I'll take care of them" I nodded my head smiling "Boys! Come eat!" Mom called then we went over to eat we hand Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit salad, and chips and juice we are then after we played soccer dad and I on one team and Mike and mom on the next team. Mom was really good she was on the soccer team when was in high school and I think it made dad fall in love with her even more it was matched then we got another picture taken we packed up our stuff and got into the car it was 2:00 in the evening I didn't even realize it was I was having fun we went to go see a movie it was the new marvel movie everyone was so hyped about we got snacks and drinks then went to go watch it. The movie was very sad and amazing I can't believe that happened but I guess some things must come to a end we Got another picture took when we left it was 5:15 it was a great day and I couldn't have asked for a better day. I Got on Skype with Amy and Emily and listened to them talk about their day Amy and her mom went shopping while Emily and her sisters spent time together we laughed and watched Tokyo Ghoul Re, Butlers Chitose Momotose Momnogatari,  and Piano no Mori. After that it was dinner time  I said my goodbyes and headed downstairs to eat we had,  burgers and fries then got ready for bed since it was pretty late I went to my own room this time to sleep I couldn't stop thinking about, the girl who flirted with Mike I sighed softly before laying down [I need to stop worrying about that] I thought, to myself before drifting off to sleep after a long and fun day with my family.

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