Chapter 21

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I was playing Friday The 13th Puzzle game on my laptop I decided to squeeze is some gaming before we leave. Then there was a knock on my door I paused the game and shouted for them to come in, it was my dad he walked in and sat on my bed ". Hey son just wanted to check in on you" I smiled at him giving my full attention to him "Hey dad if you're wondering about school and friends everything is going good" He chuckles at my answer before speaking "I was actually wondering how's your love life going any cute guys that have caught your eyes yet?" I blushed deeply it was great to have a dad that supported me but sometimes it was embarrassing "Dad what are you talking about? I'm 16 geez", he ruffled my hair as he smiled "I know son I know but are their any cute boys that caught your attention at all?" I blushed as I could think about one person right now and that was Derek. " U-um well there is a guy that I like his name is Derek he's on the basketball team we've hung out a few times but that's it he's bringing me a autograph of something from BTS" dad nodded his head with a smile on his face he was happy that I liked someone it was hard for me before we moved here I didn't have any friends or got along with anyone before I came her I was always alone in my room playing video games, watching anime, or reading manga. But my life has changed since being here I have friends who have the same interests as me, the greatest family ever, a crush on a cute guy and my grades are better then ever, plus I'm happier and so is my dad "Well son I'm gonna have to meet this Derek one day see if he is right for you" I blushed deeply at my dad's words covering my face. " dad chuckles then stands up "well come on Chris we have to go your mom and Mike is waiting for us I was supposed to come get you but needed up talking to you about boys" he chuckles walking out with me walking with him. It was nice to talk to dad I'm honestly glad I have a support dad without him I wouldn't be happy, I love my dad so much and I know he will always be there when I need him. We got into the car and headed to the hot spring place called cottonwood after awhile of driving we for there, dad parked the car and for out mom explained to me and dad that we have to get in slowly. Because it you try to rush to get it you'll hurt yourself she also told us to make sure we get a  cold bottle of  water did she say we were going to its yogurt time for some frozen yogurt I am excited to join a relaxing hot bath with my hot brother we went inside and dad paid for our time then we went to get changed dad and mom went, to a different part of the spa so they could be alone and Mike and I went to the other one. I got changed into a swimsuit they had here and got into the water slowly I sighed happily as I started to relax I closed my eyes enjoying the way the water helped my back I opened my eyes to see Mike he was completely naked! I blushed as he was in the hot spring naked "Mike Why the hell are you naked?!" I shouted blushing red as a strawberry he shrugged looking at me "Well you could be naked or get the swimsuits they have here so I chose to be naked", He said nonchalantly I blushed trying not to look too much, I can't believe he's in here naked with me! ". M-Mike can't you just w-wear something?!" I asked looking at him Mike chuckles a bit smirking "Why? Does it make you nervous?" he asked still having a smirk on his face. I sighed a bit annoyed then I just enjoyed it because it could be awhile before we come back, I finally had enough and got out drinking some water Mike got out as well. Sipping some water "Man I really needed that school has been so hard lately" Mike groaned stretching I nodded agreeing with him "I know what you mean we had tests before the last day of school ended it was pretty stressful". Mom and dad still didn't come out so we decided to get back in and enjoy the hot water relaxing us after a while I felt Mike's lips against mine kissing me it was, warm and tender I kissed back not caring what happens he slowly pulls back. Looking into my eyes before speaking ". I just wanted to do that in case it's the last kiss I do" I looked at him I was going to ask what he meant by that but,  he got out leaving me dumbfounded what just happened?

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