Chapter 24

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I was helping mom cook breakfast this morning I was so happy, I decided to get up early to help I told her about me and Derek. She was already trying to plan a wedding for us today is the last day of spring break we are gonna, go to the aquarium I stayed up all night taking to Emily and Amy about my relationship. They were both happy for me but Emily said if Derek did anything to hurt me she would take care of him for me, I told her that wasn't really necessary to but knowing her she might do it I just hope everything goes okay for us in school I haven't told Mike yet. Things have been awkward between, since that they at the spa when he poured his heart out to me and I broke it when I told Derek that I'll be his boyfriend. Derek is a bit older than me but we are in the same grade I think it'll be easier and if we break up I'll just avoid him but I don't think we will I suddenly, heard my phone go off then I answered it I smiles, as I saw it was text Derek I blushed reading the text he messaged me saying "Good morning beautiful" I giggled a bit before replying back to him "Good morning handsome how did you sleep?" I pressed sent before preparing the table for breakfast then. Poured the juice and the coffee into cups after a while Derek messaged me back I looked at the message smiling "Nothing at all just got ready for today do you want to come over and play video games then cuddle?" I blush lightly at his message but I ate my breakfast before replying to David I was a bit hungry so I ate before messaging back "That sounds great but I'm going to the aquarium with my family today but maybe sometime today I'll let you know okay?" I smile softly before hearing a chuckle from my dad "Is that the Derek guy you told me about?" I blushed forgetting that I was sitting at the table looking at me with his purple eyes I stared back at him with my dark green eyes. Then I looked at my dad and nodded my head ", Yes it's Derek he's my boyfriend" my dad smiled and nods "That's great son I'll have to meet him" Sasha giggles at my dad before speaking ". Now Tyler try not to scare the boy away" my dad smiles giving Sasha a kiss on her cheek before finishing up breakfast Mike got up excusing himself from the table. Walking up the stairs to his room I sigh softly biting my lip and messing with my fingers, I get up going upstairs to get ready for the day but before I could reach my room Mike grabs me by my arm pulling me into his room. I gasps softly as I am thrown on the bed then feel Mike climb on top of me he looked into my eyes causing me to blush and look away from him he grasps my chin in his hand making me look at him "Look Mike if this what I think it is y_" before I could finish my sentence he pressed his lips to mine but I didn't back my eyes widen as he kisses me. He pulls back slowly looking into my eyes stroking my cheek, then he sighs moving from me running his hand through his hair realizing what he has done "I'm sorry I just had to kiss you one last time" Mike then turns on his heel walking out of the room leaving me dazed and confused but mom calls me downstairs letting me it's time to go I fix myself up  breathing softly walking downstairs and into the car, this is going to be a long day.

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