Chapter 17

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Holy crap I finally texted him Emily and Amy told me I should at least text him telling him to have a great Spring Break. I'll admit I was too hard on him but he also could have stood up for me then, again it's not like we are dating between Mike and him I still don't know who I really want to date I care about them both so much. I decided to go get some amen with Emily and Amy, it was a great place to go out to eat after school I didn't eat lunch today anyways, I was too spaced out thinking if I should say something to Derek or not I finally decided it was for me to stop torturing myself and just talk to him. So I sent him a message and we made eye contact before he had left I swear, he had the biggest smile on his face that I had ever seen it made my heart skip a beat. He was going to see his sister in Florida for spring break but, that doesn't mean we can't text while he is away. Anyways the ramen place was amazing to eat at I had gotten beef ramen with cola, Amy got veggie ramen with water, and Emily got chicken ramen with root beer it was amazing we paid after our meal then headed over to Emily's place to play Sonic Mania Emily was knuckles, Amy was Tails, and I was sonic I won first place, Amy won second place and Emily won third place being with my friends and spending time with them made me so happy today we also watched Tokyo Ghoul re today it was so awesome a lot of the characters had changed on there. I was confused at first as to, why Kaneki had joined the other side but it turned out it was his other personality I'm still waiting to see if hide is dead, I think he is also I want to see how much Touka has changed. We watched other animes and played more games I smiled at the both of them before speaking "Thanks guys today has been the best day ever you guys are amazing I couldn't have asked for better friends". Amy smiled while tearing up and hugging me , Emily just smiled before relpying ", Today has been fun best way to start off spring break" Amy nodded "Yeah we'll have to do this again tomorrow maybe we can go see a movie or something I heard that Black Panther was a awesome movie everyone said it was really popular" Amy told us with a sparkle in her eyes I chuckled softly and nodded "I'll see if I can" I told her "Well I know I'll be here no traveling!" Emily shouted happily with excitement in her voice we chuckled at her then our parents came to get us I got into the car and went home "Hey mom are we going to go anywhere for Spring Break?" I had asked my mom "No hun but tomorrow we are going to have a picnic at the park for lunch tomorrow then we are gonna go for a walk I think it would be nice to start off the spring break hmm?" My mom said a cheer in her soft voice this family has changed me for the better I'm so glad my dad has a new wife and I have a new mom and brother my mom is smiling down at us I miss my mom dearly though she was amazing, everything about her was friendly and she cared for others after she died I was depressed I didn't think I would ever have another mom just as amazing as her but that changed when I met Emma and I couldn't be happier I smiled at my parents before speaking ", Yeah I think that would be nice too"

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