Chapter 31

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Mike sighs softly before speaking "I have a crush on someone but I don't know how to ask her out and I need your help" Mike told me I felt myself smile because, I was happy for him because he finally found someone he likes ". I'm so happy for you Mike so who is she? What do you like about her?" Mike thinks about for a bit before smiling at me "I like that she wants to be a hero and save people in hospitals she wants to become a surgeon we have a lot in command too we both want a big family we both love animals and we both love comedies so I was thinking about inviting her over and watching something, on the tv with me her name is Madison she has really pretty eyes and freckles which I think are adorable" I start giggling as I see him blush over this girl man she really must be something if she made Mike feel like that I'm glad he met her, because it has been awkward around the house so now maybe it won't be so bad we can finally be normal again then I speak up ." Mike I think that's a great idea you should invite her over her Saturday and see how it goes but don't try too hard just be yourself" Mike smiles and nods at me our parents then come in with food walking towards is ", Sorry we ran late boys but we brought home Japanese food I hope you guys are hungry then we'll play a video game together" My dad tells us as my mom was setting the table we nod then went to go eat we all laughed and ate dinner together I was happy Mike found someone that he likes. We can have a normal relationship like brothers are supposed to have it would have been weird anyways, if we had dated. Since Mike is older than me and everyone would have just looked at weird, after dinner we played smash bros. Mom and dad on one team and Mike and I on the other team we told jokes and did victory dances when one of the teams lost after that it was time for bed I talked to Amy and Emily through before going to bed for another day of school.

Time skip to school

It was another boring day at school but since it was Friday I planned on spending today with Derek since we haven't been able to with, school everyone was supportive of our relationship well let me rephrase that not everyone was meaning the girls who had a crush on him and his ex friends but we were happy and that's all that matters no body else. We were in lunch eating when Amy asked Derek what happened to his face he told her the story about what those jerks had said about me so he got into a fight then when he got home he had to tell his parents what happened, so he got grounded meaning we all have to wait until next week to watch the movie. But it'll be worth it I want to watch it with him it'll be on Netflix so we could watch it at my place I have to tell mom and dad so they will let me use the tv in the basement I smiled at my idea then looked at the others "Guys I know you wanted to see the movie but we can watch it next week at my place down at the basement I'm sure our parents will let us have it" I looked at everyone and they agreed to it ". Okay then but no one else get in trouble with your parents we have one more week of school so no getting into fights again" Emily said looking over at Derek he sighs and nods "I promise I won't get into anymore fights" Derek mumbled under his breath I gave him a kiss on the cheek causing him to grin I smiled hugging his arm then it was time to go back to class for tests so we gather our trash throwing it away before returning to our class rooms hopefully Derek won't be getting into anymore trouble for awhile.

((sorry about this guys I have lost motivated for this sorry I might quit writing it))

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