Chapter 26

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            Mike's POV

I can't believe I kissed Chris again I have to stop doing this to him there are times when I went too far with him as well. I study my hardest so that once I graduate from school, I can get into a good college so I can get away from Chris  I'm 18 years old in love with my 16 year old step brother I fell in love with Chris when he first moved in with my mom and I with his dad they had gotten married sometime in October around that time and left Chris and I alone when they went on their honeymoon I've had both girlfriends and boyfriends but they've never worked out for me so I decided to give up on love that was until he came into my life but that didn't last much even when we were at the spa I told him my feelings for him but I was too late he was dating Derek a guy I've grown to hate he won Chris over not me and that's something I'm gonna have to live with it wouldn't have worked out anyways I'm going to college in the summer and he would be with Derek I kissed him again today right before we went out to the Aquarium. He was so quiet on the way there mom and dad thought he didn't feel good but he said it was fine, so we went then we went out to eat after we arrived home he got ready to go to his boyfriend's house. I am now in my room playing a video game to pass the time just so I won't have to think about him this is why, I hate falling in love because at the end of it I always end up being the one with a broken heart but I would get over it pretty quick but not this time and I don't know why I can't, maybe it's because this is the first time I've actually fallen in love with someone who I truly care about. When I saw how hurt Chris was because of Derek I took him out for sweets then he was happy his light green eyes brighten up there was a soft smile on his lips making me feel something for him I hated that I had fallen in love with him but, only one of us won his heart and that person is Derek I just hope he treats Chris like the Prince that he is because I will always have the memory of our time together.

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