Chapter 20

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Chris's dream

They took my hands and kissed my cheeks their soft lips making me blush. They lead me somewhere smiling I saw that we were at the beach their shirts came off their bodies looking beautiful they cuddled me and I accepted their warmth, they were trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear what they were saying I started waking up from my dream I blinked a few times letting my eyesight adjusted to the light. I sat up in my bed I checked messages from Emily and Amy replying to them, both they asked to hang out today but I today I told them mom wanted us to go to a day spa then out to eat but I might be able to then I got one from Derek it was a picture so I clicked on it my eyes widen as he was shirtless winking with the caption 'how are you cutie?' I felt something in my shorts come to live I smiled brightly texting back 'I'm good I went to the water park and out to eat with my family yesterday it was fun what did you do?" I pressed sent and got a message a few seconds 'Sounds like you had fun I went to the beach and got ice cream with my sister and her boyfriend' I smiled at the message he sent me then replied back 'Sounds like you had fun we're going to a day spa today and then go out to eat so I'm excited about that' I pressed sent then waited for a message back he messaged back "That sounds great I'm going to a BTS concert later then getting burgers and fries" My eyes widen in the message Derek was going, to a freaking BTS concert he was so lucky." Make sure you get me a autograph!!" I hit sent then he messaged back "Okay I will I'll message you back later bye ;-)" I smiled back at his message then messaged back "Okay bye have fun <3" I was excited for Derek to get me the autograph I still can't believe he was going to get a autograph mom called me to get ready so we can leave at 12:00 today so I went to go take a shower after, that I got dressed then headed downstairs mom made fruit salad with pancakes I sat down next to Mike and started eating I felt Mike run his hand on my thighs I grunted softly catching dad's attention he looked at me with a raise eyebrow ". Son you okay there?" I blushed and nodded "Yeah I am okay dad thanks" he nodded then sipped his coffee after we were done eating. Dad helped mom with the dishes Mike took me into his room he gently pushed me on the bed and started rubbing me and, kissing my neck I gasps softly gripping his shirt as he unzipped my pants and puts a hand in my boxers and starts rubbing me "M-mike wait what I-if mom and dad come in h-here?" He continued to rub me and kissing my neck "Just a little more I haven't touched you in forever" Mike unzipped his pants pulling himself out I blushed and started rubbing him. We both moaned quietly not getting, too loud we reached our limit and released panting heavily as we laid on the bed blushing Mike cleaned us up then sat up ". Sorry I couldn't help myself it felt so good" I blushed and nodded "Yeah it did but you know we can't keep doing this what if we get caught and you get kicked out of the house?" I know that's why I don't do it so many times I like you Chris I wish we weren't step brothers sometimes". I blushed at his words and smiled at him sadly ", Yeah I like you too Mike but I also like Derek as well" His face turned sour at the sound of Derek's name they don't really like each other but it's okay since they don't see each other at school ",Yeah I know and if I can't be with you then I want you to be with him because I know how much you like him" Mike looked at me with pain in his eyes then kissed me I kissed him back then pulled away not wanting the kiss to be too long I texted Emily and Amy in the group chat. Asking them if it was Okay if we hung out after I had gotten home, they said okay so we're gonna be at Emily's house which was good because I needed them because I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do about, Mike and Derek this was gonna be a long day.

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