chapter 8

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Mike's lips were soft and warm against, mine I couldn't think then he pulled back we were both panting for air. This was my first, kiss was stolen by my step brother I slowly backed away before sprinting to my room I can't believe Mike kissed me. I locked the door and changed into a white shirt and black butler boxers then got into bed blushing as a tomato, I was having an awesome day with Derek and here comes Mike kissing me out of nowhere, I sigh and turn over then go to sleep having a pretty good dream.

Chris's dream
He was holding me in his arms as we played video games I had no idea who this man was his face was hidden in fog. But I couldn't tell the color of his hair either, but his lips were full and plumped the kind of lips you just wanted to kiss over and over again. Then, we had ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch my favorite, he ran his fingers through my light brown hair I was, relaxed under his touch then just as he was about to kiss me I woke up. I jumped up from my sleep I looked at my alarm clock it read 7:00 it was, Sunday which means I had to go to church I had a few messages from Emily and Amy asking if I wanted to have a Black Butler marathon with them then a message from Derek saying he had fun last night and. We should hang out again I replied to Emily and Amy saying sure when I get home, and I texted Derek saying 'yeah that'll be fun just let me know when. Then I went downstairs and ate breakfast the pancakes Emma made were, nice and fluffy me and her have gotten closer I've spoken to her about boys, and other stuff she's fine with me being gay same with my dad their going to be married soon. I'm so happy for them both after breakfast we got ready and dressed then headed out for church.

Time skip

After we got home I got changed into a sonic T-shirt and blue jeans then I put on some socks and shoes. I decided, to brush my hair to make myself look good after I was done I walked downstairs I ran into, Mike along the way it had been awkward between us since we kissed, he doesn't speak to me as much and he refuses to talk to me about happened ". Mike listen I_" but that was all I got chance to say before he cut me off and spoke, " look Chris I'm sorry about what happened it was a mistake it will never happened again mom and dad can't know about this okay?" I looked at him before sighing and nodded my head "okay". I said then he walked upstairs and I went downstairs I was about to leave when Emma stopped me "Chris here take some food for you and your friends I made too much today", I smiled and nodded ", thanks Emma I'm sure they'll enjoy it" Emma smiled and ruffled my hair "have fun sweetie" ", don't stay out too late son remember you have school tomorrow" ". I won't dad see you guys!" I smile and headed over to Emily's house so that we could enjoy the meal that my mom had prepared for us hopefully today won't be too bad.

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