Chapter 15

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I woke up for another day of school but this time I was excited about going because I was going to be with Derek during lunch today. The girls were freaking out about it Amy said it sounded like I had a great time with him, and Emily said he better not break my heart I am so, lucky to have such supportive friends as them their my actual real friends since at my old school I was bullied a lot for being gay so I stayed to myself until I came to this school. I'm really happy that my dad married my new mom I'm happy that I have a new cute brother I'm also very happy that. I have awesome new friends it was close to being spring break so I might plan something with the girls and Derek of I am not too lazy that is I hot ready then went downstairs to eat breakfast today I had eggs, toast, and bacon for breakfast I ate then said goodbye to everyone but before, I could leave Mike stopped me at the door ". Hey Chris mom and dad said we're all going out to eat instead of eating at home today" "Oh okay what time are we living?" At 5:00 but we have to make sure we have everything before we go" . Okay got it", After we talked we rode to school together this was the first time we walked to school together before I normally go with my friends but today, he said he wanted to ride with me. So we got into his car and drove to school together ", So did you like Valentine's Day Chris?" Mike asked me I smiled softly thinking about Derek ". It was great Derek took me out to dinner then, we played video games at the arcade lastly, we went to the manga store and brought some manga then he took me home it was great!" Mike frowned a bit I guess he was jealous that I was with Derek but it's not like he asked me to go anywhere with him, he was with friends after all after that the car ride was silent we got to school got out. And went our separate ways this was going to be a good day.

Time skip to lunch

Today we had pizza day it was awesome Derek sat down next to I could feel my heart beat a mile away, Amy's boyfriend Billy and Emily's girlfriend Adilyn also, sat with us Derek and I were talking until his friends came over looking at us the one who had messy blonde hair spoke ", Derek what are you doing sitting over here with these losers?" The black haired one laughed as if he thought it was so funny "Yeah Derek did you get lost or something?" Derek looked at me then his friends he sighed picking up his tray giving me a I'm sorry look before getting up and, walking away with his friends I was hurt and confused at the same time my heart broke into a million pieces Emily sat next to me hugging me. I felt myself about to cry but I held back tears because I didn't want, to cry in front of everyone I silently ate my lunch like everyone never mind what I said about it being the best day today is the worst day ever.

Time skip (after school in the library)

I was waiting for Mike in the library the librarian allowed me to be in here until, Mike came from talking to his teacher about something to do with, a test I was reading my Tokyo Ghoul manga when I felt a tap on my shoulder thinking it was Mike I turned around ". Finally I've been waiting for ages are you ready to g__?" I looked halfway through what I was saying but it wasn't Mike it was Derek I saw him standing there looking at me then rubbed his neck ", Chris look I'm sorry what happened in lunch today" Why didn't you stand up for me Derek? I thought we had something special" Derek took a long breathe before speaking again ". I'm sorry Chris but I couldn't just say anything to them their my teammates they'll make my life a living hell they don't even know I'm gay no one can know" I shook my head and sighed ". Then I guess we shouldn't talk if you're that ashamed of being seen with me" , No that's not what I am saying at all" I sighed I couldn't hear anymore of this I grabbed my stuff then ran out running into Mike thank God he came I grabbed his hand pulling him out of the door ". It's about time you came what took you so long?" I asked Mike." Sorry I had to do a test did something happen between you and that guy?" Mike suddenly asked I cleared my throat before, speaking fearing that my own voice would betray me ", I'm fine it's nothing we were just talking that's all" Mike looked at me then nodded "I can't wait for you to try this pizza place mom and I used to go to this place when I was younger", For some reason Mike telling me this story bit it cheered me up I heard my phone go off so I checked it there were messages from both Amy and Emily checking on me. They are so amazing I'm lucky to have them in my life they are amazing I texted them that I was okay then Mike and I went home. I was at home finishing up my homework it wasn't much just English also history all of grades were really good all A's and B's I still had a bit of time left before we went out to eat so I decided to watch Black Clover Emily had gotten Amy and  hooked on it I love the girl with the white sliver hair I don't know her name but she's beautiful, I got another message this one was from Derek I read the message but I didn't message him back he apologized for what happened today at lunch but it didn't make me feel any better I really thought he liked me but, as usually I was wrong I guess I'll have to get over him and move on after I watched a few episodes of Black Clover it was time to go so we all piled into the car. And went to the restaurant when we got there the place was a bit crowded families and couples were there I understood why this place was so popular it had different times of pizza, salads, dessert, and soups we got in line and piled our plates with pizza well, Mike and I did mom and dad went for the salad and pizza while Mike had dessert for his and so did I. We got our drinks before taking our seats Mom had tea, Dad had root beer, Mike had water, and I had fruit punch we ate, talked about our day and stuff like that I had a great time it made me forget about Derek. After dinner we went mini golfing mom ended up winning but it was still fun we went home and got ready for bed I talked to Amy and Emily for awhile, there was a message from Derek but I didn't message back instead I laid down and went to sleep, despite everything that has happened with Derek today it turned out to be a great day.

((Sorry for a lot of time skips- but it helps me to write hope you guys like the chapter I worked hard on it))

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