I can't believe you talked me into this.

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Bellamy strutted into our shared tent, "You ready, Commander?" He sounded with a mock salute.

I shook my head, "This is so dumb, Bell."

"As dumb as it may be, I'm going to do it. And you are, too, let's go."

I sighed as I followed him out of the tent. Bellamy said that Camp Jaha was getting boring, and he wanted to spice things up a bit. I wasn't too sure what that meant until last night, when he told me we were going to start a prank war.

I don't think anyone was truly in the mood for pranks after everything that happened, but whatever we could do to lift the mood, we had to at least try.

I and Bellamy set off towards Monty and Jasper's tent, figuring they would prank back and keep the war going.

"Alright, keep lookout." Bellamy whispered, causing me to let out a small chuckle. Even if this is dumb, it made him happy and he get use all the happy he can get right now.

"I can't believe you talked me into this." I whispered to him as he was unraveling his master plan in the tent.

"You know you love it!" He called from inside. I just shook my head and laughed at him. It wasn't too long after that he reemerged from the tent, a devious smile on his face.

"Take a look at my master work." he boasted and lifted the tent flap for me to enter.

I raised my eyebrow at him, but entered and looked around. Every person in camp gets a mattress, a chair, and a crate for their room. Everything that was in their tent was taped or tied from the ceiling of it. I laughed and Bellamy called for me to get out.

I Ran out and we bolted from the tent, laughing.

"I can't believe we pulled it off!" Bellamy caught his breathe and smiled at me.

"Me either! How did you know everything would stay on the ceiling without the tent collapsing?" I asked him, returning the smile.

He laughed and grabbed my hand, "I didn't!"

Maybe it was a dumb idea, but this camp really did need some cheering up.

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