Wanna dance?

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A/N: Remember that I take requests! Follow the link for more information! (Dancegavdance.tumblr.com/tagged/request-a-thing) 

So this story has really picked up the last few weeks and I just wanted to thank you guys for the votes, reads, and most importantly, comments! Without your comments I would've stopped this story a long time ago, same with all my other ones. So,  just a huge thank you to everyone who leaves a comment here and there. It's Extremely appreciated!

 I blew my nose for the thousandth time that hour and threw the wadded up tissue into the overflowing trash. Sniffling, I grabbed my tea and took a slow sip, eyes fixated on the tv in front of me where a couple was arguing over something.

The front door to my apartment then opened, and in slipped Bellamy, my roomate and boyfriend.

"Okay," He spoke loudly enough so I could hear over the tv, "I got you the chicken noodle soup, some cold medicine, and some chocolate."

I peaked over the couch to see him dump the canned soup into a bowl and throw it in the microwave. Afterwards, he took some of the pills from the cold medicine box and walked over to me, planting a kiss on my forehead and handing me the pills.

"You're the best, bells, what would I do without you?" I asked, picking up my tea and downinf capsules.

"Cry, probably." He shrugged, eyes fixated on the tv.

The first man had stopped argueing and clicked on the stero, holding his hand out to his partner. The man's partner was still angry and refused to dance with his husband. The first man walked forward and kissed his husband, then led him into a dance, spinning him around the room until they both collapsed laughing and smiling.

I smiled slitly at the scene, looking up at Bellamy, "Wanna dance?"

He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow, "You can't even walk up the stairs without coughing a lung out."

I huffed, "Come on, let's dance, Bell."

"No can do, sicky. Stay put while I get your soup." He patted my head like a child and walked into the kitchen. I sighed, but turned my attention back to the tv.

"Hey Bellamy?" I yelled, coughing a bit after.

His head peaked around the corner, "Yeah, princess?"

I smiled, "Love you."

He chuckled, "And I love you." 

Bellamy Blake x reader Prompt SessionWhere stories live. Discover now