Chapter 12

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Chris's P.O.V

There we go, my brother likes my girlfriend. He probably doesn't know that she's my girlfriend and from now I think I'll never tell him. I told him that I'll help him. Well, I want him to be happy. He really seems to like Nicole. I have to do something, I will have to make her hate me. I can't break up with her just like that. Then she will want answers from me, but I promised her brother that I wouldn't break her heart. What do I do?

I brushed my hair with my fingers and sighed. I got up from the chair and went to the washroom. I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up from bed and did my usual morning routine then got ready for school. Nathan was feeling pretty good now but still I drove the car to school. I went in front of my locker and surprisingly Chris wasn't there. I went in my class and sat beside Melissa, who seems to look very happy.

"I need to tell you something!!!" Melissa said with excitement.

"Go ahead, Mel." 

"Matt asked me out!" She told me and my eye widened.

"Matt Espinosa?" I asked. Please no, please no, not that douche.

"Yes!!" She said, she was indeed delighted.

"And, you said yes?" I asked her. Well, it was pretty obvious that she did.

"Like, duhh. I had a huge crush on him since we were freshmen!" She screamed in happiness and I shook my head.

"Melissa! Snap out off it. He's a fuckboy!"

"He's changed. Trust me. Everybody deserves a second chance." She told me, crossing her arms over her chest.

I laughed sarcastically and replied, "Oh please, but not him. I saw him making out with Sophia a week ago."

"Well, that was a week ago! He asked me yesterday after school." She explained.

Seriously? It does not bother her that he made out with Sophia a week ago? What the fuck happened to my best friend? My smart best friend.

"Whatever makes you happy." I told her looking at the ground, because I knew if I say further she was going to get hurt, and simply argue with me, so I just let it go.

During lunch time I still didn't see Chris, so I decided to text him.


Me: Where are you?

Chris: With friends.

Me: Why didn't you meet me today?

Chris: Are you going to Matt's party? We'll meet there.

Matt's party? What? Now I was confused. I looked at Melissa, who was having her food and then she looked back at me. 

"What?" She asked me.

"Matt is throwing a party?"

"Oh yeah. Forgot to tell you that, you should totally come." She said happily and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not going there."

"Why not?" She frowned.

"Matt and I are not even friends. We don't even talk, why would I go there?" I tried to show logic.

"Well you guys should get along now. For me, please.?" She said with those puppy dog eyes.


Then suddenly, Matt walked in front of us and Melissa went to him, giving him a hug and a kiss. I felt gross, God knows how many girls he has kissed with that mouth. Yuck!

And then his eyes suddenly found me and he smiled.  "Hey, Nicole. I was wondering, would you like to come at my party tonight?"

"No, thanks." I scoffed, not even taking a glance at him.

"Oh come on. You and Mel are best friends. Since we are dating now, you should come. You can't say no." He said, and a small smirk formed at the corner of his lips.

"Yes I can. But thanks for the invitation." I scoffed again. Why doesn't he leave already?

"Pretty please?" Matt and Melissa spoke together.

"Urgghh... Fine. Happy now?" 

Matt shot me a devilish smirk and then I felt it that he might be playing a game tonight. Oh Lord.

After school, me and my brother went home together. When I reached home, I jumped on my bed and buried my head under the pillow and slept for like three hours.

When I woke up, it was 7:23 pm and that's when Melissa called me.

"When are you going there?" Melissa asked.

"Party's at 9 right?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Did you get ready?"

"Not yet." I huffed.

"Oh, I'm having serious issues here."

"Why? Wait, let me guess. Can't find what to wear?" I asked her and giggled.

"Don't make fun of me! I need to look good tonight."

"I know you'll look gorgeous hoe. Get ready. I'm going to start getting ready too." I told her and hung up.

I went downstairs and went in my brother's room. I asked him if it was okay to go to the party or not. He asked me, "At 9? That means you'll come after midnight?"

"kind of." I guessed. Oh dear, he is going to blast off now.

"What?! No need to go. I'm going out with my friends. Stay home." He ordered.

"What? But that's not fair. You're going out and I can't?" I snapped back too.

"It's Matt's party. I don't trust him." He told me.

"I don't like him either but I'm going just because Melissa insisted me." I said, frowing. "Please, I promised Mel."

He sighed at first and then finally gave in. I hugged him and went upstairs to get ready.

Well, I hope everything is going to be fine. It's just a party....right?

Don't go away☆Chris CollinsWhere stories live. Discover now