Chapter 13

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Nicole's P.O.V

I put on a black lacy crop top and black skinny jeans. I kept my makeup subtle and straightened my hair. I put on black heels and took my car keys, I went outside and got in my car and drove to Matt's house. When I reached there, the music was loud and damn the bass was on point. Anybody who doesn't know can still tell they're having a party. Well, I went in and the smell of booze hit my nose. Red cups everywhere. Some people were seriously drunk. Sweaty bodies laying everywhere, absolutely disgusting. Now I needed to find Melissa. I went and sat on a sofa and suddenly Melissa came and hugged me. Damn she was looking gorgeous. 

"Hii! Yay you're here." Melissa shouted at me, because of the loud music.

"Hey, how's it going?" I screamed back at her.

Matt came close to me and hugged me even if I didn't want too. He shouted, "Would you like to meet Chris?"

"Yeah! Where is he?" I shouted back.

"Come I'll show you." 

He lead me through the crowd and pointed at the door. I nodded and gave him a smile. Then he went away. I opened the door, and I finally found Chris but he was not with his friends nor alone. I closed my eyes at disgusting sight and immediately regret watching it.

He was making out with Sophia. I stood there, stiff and shocked. Then he finally looked at me, "Nick?" He took a step forward and tried to speak, "Wait, I can explain!"

"Save it." I replied harshly and simply walked away. Melissa stopped me and asked me what was wrong by looking at my teary eyes, but I just told her that I'll explain everything later and walked out of the house. Again then Matt stopped me and he spoke,"What happened? Why are you going home so soon?"

"I just have to." I cried out.

"Tell me." He insisted.

"Chris was making out with Sophia." I sniffed.

"That idiot! How dare he." He spoke, his fingers rolled into a fist.

"It's okay Matt. I should have understood before that he is nothing but a douche bag."

"Come here." He said softly and pulled me for a tight embrace. Then Melissa came to me running and hugged me. She spoke, "I heard what happened. I'm so sorry."

"How did you know?" I asked her.

"That Sophia bitch took the pride in telling me." She said angrily.

I looked down at the grass to stop my tears but they kept streaming down my face like a waterfall. Matt offered, "Let me drop you home."

"No. Thank you so much. I can go by myself."

"No, I'll drop you home." He insisted and I couldn't say no this time because I knew that I was way too emotionally broken to drive. We got into the car and he drove, we were silent during the car ride and eventually we reached my home.

"Bye. Take care." 

"Thank you. Bye." I replied back.

Chris's P.O.V

Here we go, I broke her heart, just like I planned. Now she is going to hate me. I felt absolutely disgusted by kissing Sophia, and now she thinks I'm her boyfriend. Oh great, now I've to act like her boyfriend, act nice with that dumb bitch. I felt like screaming inside, but I couldn't I was at a party. I did this all for my brother, now Crawford can go to her and express all his feelings to her. I was happy for Crawford, but I was totally broken down inside. I've lost Nicole. I can't forgive myself for hurting her, she doesn't deserve this. She is such an angel. I did the exact same thing like a fuckboy would do to his girlfriends. Damn, I wish I could go and kill myself.

Then suddenly, Matt came to me and looked at me. He looked furious.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He said in a furious tone.

"Nothing?" I scoffed.

"I did exactly what you had told me to do. Bring her to the party and lead her upto this room, but if I knew you would do something like this then I'd never have agreed to this bullshit." He yelled and I could not blame him. "I thought that you really liked her, but you are an real ass." He said, looking away from me.

What am I suppose to do? I was helpless, nobody will understand the situation I'm in right now.

"Yeah, I'm an ass." I told him and sighed.

"Wait what? Dude is something wrong? You can tell me, you know?" He asked with sympathy, his hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing happened. I like Sophia not Nicole. Who would date that nerd? She is not even famous." I lied.

"What? Seriously? You dated her just to have fun?" He said and I could see the disgust for me in his eyes.

"And what is wrong with you? Why are you feeling sad for her?" I scoffed, cause I needed him to stop asking questions.

"No-nothing." He stuttured nervously which was really confusing.

"Go away. I don't feel like talking. I'm gonna go home now." I told him and got up from the sofa, and head to the door.

And then Sophia suddenly came in front of me and asked me, "Where are you going, baby?"

"Home." I spoke and then she jumped on me and started giggling. I tried to shoo her away, "Sophia get off! You're drunk."

"Hmm?" She giggled and I sighed.

I pushed her away and opened the door. I walked to my car and drove home. After reaching home, I went straight to Crawford and told him, "Hey you're going to start working from tomorrow, okay?"

"Working on what?" He asked.

"Start making effort on Nicole. So that she likes you back and then you can ask her out."

"Okay." He told me and hugged me. I was happy cause he was happy, seeing him happy makes me the happiest person alive.

I can do anything for my brother. My adorable younger brother.

Don't go away☆Chris CollinsWhere stories live. Discover now