Chapter 3

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Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning, brushed my teeth, put my hair in a high ponytail and put on a red t-shirt and a black shorts. My phone beeps and I received a text from Melissa.

Melissa: Wow, Chris sang a song for you, so what's going on between you two?

Me: Nothing, I swear!

Melissa: You little bitch. You are hiding things from me? How could you?

Me: LOL, calm your tits girl. I am not hiding anything. We are just good friends that's all.

Melissa: Okay, I believe you. Go get your boy. ;)

Me: Haha. Anyways I gotta go. Chris invited me to go bowling with him, isn't that cool?

Melissa: He is so crushing on you, girl.

Me: What? Girl, we are just hanging out as friends.

Melissa: I bet he is going to meet you alone.😉

Me: Ahaha. I'm sure he will bring some fwendss!


Chris came at 5pm with his car and messaged me.

Chris: Come out, I'm outside. In front of your house.

Me: Aren't you going to come inside?

Chris: No it's okay, I'll come someday else. But now hurry up I'm waiting.

I got outside and saw Chris waiting for me with his black hummer. Oh so he did come alone.

Dang he looked so hot, leaning against the car door.

He spoke, "Hey Nick. You look really pretty." I thanked him and got in the car. He drove to one of the most coolest bowling place ever. Like literally.

We went to the bowling court and picked our shoes. Then I got ready to throw the ball. First ball hit straight and I got 9 points. I screamed in excitement and jumped around. I was not good at bowling, earning 9 points was great. Chris laughed, "Calm down, now see how I roll." His aim was perfect and he got full points.

"Wait, this time I'm going to hit all of them." I told him, proudly picking up the next ball.

And then when I was about to throw the second ball, I slipped on the floor, landing on my butt, which made a loud sound. Oh great, probably I sounded like a elephant falling downstairs. How cool, right? Please do note down my sarcasm.

Chris chuckled, "Silly you," and outstreched his hands towards me. When I grabbed his hand and tried to get up, the slippy tiled floor made my feets slip again and made me fall down again. But I'm not alone this time.

Before I could even realize, I opened my eyes and found Chris hovering over me, supporting himself on his hands so that his weight was not on me.

He blinked a few times and gazed at my blue eyes. His eye color suddenly looked green today, strange but beautiful.

Chris P.O.V

I couldn't help but stare at her. She's so god damn beautiful. I knew she had blue eyes but never saw it so specifically. Her eyes looked like a grey blue occean after a storm. Like wow. Can you even imagine how pretty that is?

I tucked her blonde pieces of hair behind her ear and she closed her eyes for a second.

Nicole's P.O.V

I opened my eyes again and all I could was just gaze at him and so was he, I was blushing so hard cause he's face was just a few inches away from my face. Suddenly he's face was coming more close to me, and when our lips were just going to meet, someone spoke up, pretty loudly. "What happened? Come on let me help you up."

The staff pulled us up and Chris looked at me and apologised.

"It's okay, I'm just clumsy." I said, looking down at my nails.

"Um... let's go grab some food." He suggested and I agreed, "My treat." He added.


He gave a lift to my house, and suddenly kissed my cheeks which made my eyes widen and blush.

"See you tomorrow."

"Definitely." I smiled, getting out from his car.

I went to my room and sat down on my bed. Then I decided to call Meli.

Melissa : Hey! So how was the date?.

Me: It wasn't a date!

Melissa: Okay okay. Tell me everything.

I explain everything to her on the phone and she sighed at last.

Melissa: Aww babe don't feel sorry, you'll get the chance again. You can still go kiss him if you want to.

Me: yeah. That would not look awkward at all, right?

Melissa: Ahaha. Love you doll byee.

I hung up the call and plop my head on the pillow.

Chris's P.O.V

I sat down on my bed and looked at my phone thinking. should I call Nicole? I searched her name and found it. I ran my fingers through my hair. Okay, I'll call. She picked up few seconds later.

Nicole: Hello?.

Me: Hey, whatcha' doin?.

Nicole: just laying on my bed. So what's up?

Me: Well I was thinking of going to the beach? On Friday. What do you think?

Nicole: That's great! I hope it's going to be sunny that day.

Me: Yeah! So I'll pick you up?

Nicole: Yeah, in the morning?

Me: Yes, okay bye.

Nicole: byee!

Nicole's P.O.V

I was excited to go to the beach. I already started packing up so that I would have problem later on Friday. I thought I should really call Melissa and tell her everything. So I called her.

Melissa: Hey girl! So something nice happened?

Me: Gosh yes! Chris wants to go to the beach with me!.

Melissa: That's great. So which bikini are you going to wear? You should definitely look good.

Me: Umm Lol. Okay I guess the white one?

Melissa: Yeah! White looks sexy on you.

Me: Haha! Thank you. Bye.

I put my PJs on and removed all my makeup. I jumped on my bed, pulling up the blanket and slowly drifted of to sleep.

Don't go away☆Chris CollinsWhere stories live. Discover now