What Have You Learned

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Chapter 28: What Have You Learned

Quote of the Day: "Life is the moist difficult exam. Many people fail it because they try to copy others - not realising that everyone has a different question paper!"

Allah says in the Qur'an: "Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (He who is) the most righteous of you." [Surah Hujarat ayah 13]

I'm no scholar but I'm asking you to ponder this. Did Allah (swt) say the most honoured of you in His sight are those lighter/darker in skin tone? Richer/poorer? Skinnier/thicker? Doctor, lawyer, teacher/baker, sanitation engineer? 

No. Allah said the most righteous of us are those whom are most honoured in His sight.

So how dare we ever treat badly and judge others or even ourselves for such trivial things when Allah (The Most Wise) the only one with the right to judge, judges us based on our character, righteousness, heart, and intentions? 

And please, do not worry on your outer appearance (I mean of course please be clean and neat) rather focus on a beautiful inside and surely it will reflect on the exterior.

This is a bit long but you should read it. Love this! (From Mukhtasar Minhaj Al Qasidin - Towards the Hereafter by Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi under the chapter Knowledge) 

"In this context, Shaqiq Al-Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) said to Hatim [His student], 'You have accompanied me for some time, what have you learnt from me?' The latter replied, 'I have learnt the following eight:

1. I have noticed that people used to keep every valuable thing they possess. Then I reflected upon the Qur'anic verse: "What is with you must vanish : what is with Allah will endure." [Surah An-Nahl: 96]

So I decided to keep my valuable things with Allah, Most High. 

2. I have observed that everybody has a beloved one, but no beloved one could accompany the lover to the grave. Therefore, I have decided to love good deeds, which would accompany me to my grave. 

3. I have reflected upon the Qur'anic verse that reads: 

"And for such as had entertained the fear of standing before their Lord's (tribunal) and has restrained (their) soul from lower desires." (Surah An-Nazi'at: 40" 

Accordingly, I have exerted myself to steer clear of whims until my self has accustomed to obeying Allah, Most High.

4. I have looked at people's concern of property and authority. Then I pondered on Allah's saying in the Glorious Qur'an: "Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (He who is) the most righteous of you." (Surah Al-Hujarat: 13) 

Consequently, I concerned myself with consciousness and fear of Allah, Most High, so as to attain honor in this world and there Hereafter.

5. I have noticed the spread of envy amongst people and reflected on the Qur'anic verse: "It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood in the life of this world." (Surah Az-Zukhruf: 32) 

Therefore, I kept away from envy.

6. I have observed the promulgation of enmity amongst people, and then recited the Qur'anic verse: "Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy." (Surah Fatir: 6) 

So I refrained from their enmity and insisted on maintaining enmity to Satan.

7. I have looked at people's humiliation in earning livelihood, and then pondered on the Qur'anic verse: "There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance dependeth on Allah." (Surah Hud: 6) 

Therefore, I concerned myself with carrying out Allah's Duties and put my trust on Him in earning livelihood. 

8. I have observed that people depend on their trade, manufacture, and health. Yet, I decided to rely only on Allah, Most High.

Note: This is something for you to ponder over more than simply read through. For example #5, he learned from the given verse that Allah is the one who distributes what each of us has been given. So if we're jealous and envious of people for what they have, we're actually being ungrateful to Allah for having not given us something (though always for a reason) and on top of that having bad feelings for people.

Thanks to Dhalia C. for being an inspiring figure, everywhere - masha'Allah tabark'Allah.

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