The Holy Qur'an

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Chapter 2: The Holy Qur'an

Quote of the Day: "Indeed the speech of Allah (SWT) is the best speech, and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the best guidance. And anything that crosses these two is an innovation, and every innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance leads to Hellfire."

It happened on one of the last ten nights of Ramadan in 610 C.E. A man leaves the comforts of his home and begins to walk. He walks and walks. Several miles he walks, until he reaches a mountain known as Jabal Nur. Up the mountain he goes. Up and up. Finally he stops and enters a large underground chamber, Cave Hira.

Why has this man left the comfort of his home to make this journey?

He has come to think. To think about the purpose of life, his life, and the Creator, his Creator. As he ponders over these matters, suddenly an angel appears before him. He is asked to read. Fear grips him, for he is confused and afraid of what is happening. Then, his entire body seems to be getting crushed with great power. The hold releases and an unknown voice asked him to read. He replies that he does not know how to read. Again, his body seems to be squeezed, so tightly that he cannot draw breath. Just as quickly he is released, the pressure gone from his body. For the third time, he hears someone say "Read!" The man repeats the words being recited to him, then flees home-terrified of the event.

The man of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and at the time little did he know, that he would "Read" again very soon.

The Qur'an is guidance for mankind in every generation and every place. Its power and message is undeniable and limitless; inspiring nations, creating civilizations, a light in the darkness.

During the initial few revelations, like in the cave, the Prophet (SAW)'s body would be in pain and feel faint. Later, as he become accustomed to receiving these divine messages, the messages were revealed in his heart and he would not be pained. The final revelation was sent in the year 10 A.H. /632 C.E. when he Prophet was doing the Farewell Pilgrimage, The Farewell Khutba. During this khutba, Allah (SWT) revealed: "...This day I have perfected for your religion, and completed upon you My blessing and have for you accepted ISLAM as the religion... (5:3)" And the Qur'an was thus completed.

The Holy Qur'an was revealed over a long 23 year period. It was not revealed in one sitting, rather a few verses were revealed sometimes, at other times an entire surah was revealed. These Divine revelations were sent under different circumstances, in different locations to address different problems and issues. The surahs revealed in the city of Makkah, were referred to as Makkan surahs. Makkan surahs were shorter and placed in the second half of the Qur'an. These surahs had a melodic tone, the main topic centering on the majesty of Allah (SWT), His Oneness, the akhirat and ultimate fate of human beings. The surahs revealed in the city of Madinah are referred to as Madinan. Madinan surahs were longer and placed in the first half of the Qur'an. These surahs provided laws, rules and regulations; dealing with problems in life and their solutions.

Fun Facts:

1. The angel who brought these revelations to the Prophet was the angel Jibril (AS) also known as Gabriel.

2. The word 'Qur'an' literally means "The Reading".

3. A total of 86 surahs were revealed in Makkah, while 28 were revealed in Madinah-if you do the math, you'll find that there are a total of 114 surahs in the whole Qur'an!

Ramadan Challenge #2:

How to Complete The Qur'an in Ramadan:

The Qur'an has approximately 600 pages. If you divide it on 30 days, that's 20 pages per day. Still seems hard? Then, divide the twenty pages on the five prayers a day and it gets easier. If you read 4 pages after every salah in Ramadan, then you'll have completed the Holy Qur'an!

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