Song Drug

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"Song Drug"

That music is a drug

You're addicted to that ear bud

It makes you lazy and distracted

You've been thoughtless in your actions

Show you what to wear and how to speak

You think you're cool but you're really weak

Easily controlled and manipulated

Practically uneducated because you're fixated

You sit in class, but can't listen to the teacher

Gotta get your fix, gotta rattle that speaker

You disrespect the sources of wisdom

Entertain me, or I'll die of boredom!

Don't want to concentrate or learn how to focus

You think that your future will come by hocus-pocus

No room in your brain to ponder the sad state of affairs

Idols on TV, who'sgone next - a replacement for your cares

You can Name That Tune in just one note

but it was too much of a hassle to get out and vote

You can sing all the lyrics to 20 albums by heart

But to learn a new ayah of Qur'an you'll never start

Silence makes you suffer because you gotta face the fact

That you don't know how to think or even how to act

Are you so gone, so horribly addicted

that you don't even know that you've been afflicted?

Turn off that noise and face the world without a crutch

Let a little thing control you and what you lose is much

Have some self-respect and live up to your potential

Become a human being instead of something bestial

You'll never change the world with that wire in your ear

You're a slave and no free thinker while they dictate what you hear

A believer is better than the mind-numbed masses

But vain entertainments help keep people in their classes

You're hyper connected, but to all the wrong things

Turn off and tune out and instead build your dream

The Right Path is the ultimate connection, the singular message

But you've been drowning it out with meaningless verbiage

Can you go for a week without a multimedia hook?

Examine your soul, give it a deep, hard look

Your soul will not perish if you miss an episode

But if you died today, what will you have sowed?

If you want to be liberated, if you want to be strong,

You can find your new beginning by admitting you were wrong

Sit in the silence and learn to think for yourself

Take the dusty Qur'an down from the top bookshelf

Think and ponder so hard that you get very tired

Know yourself and the Universe and you will have conspired

Against Satan and his allies who have easily beguiled you

By making evil so fair-seeming that you always failed to argue

Stay away from whatever makes you mindless of God, the Sublime

That which makes you careless about morality and wasteful of time

Do not idolize or imitate the Materialists or the Capitalists

If being friends of the Ahlulbayt (as) is really what you wish

Peace of mind and purity of heart are not unattainable

If you will remove from your deeds whatever is blameful

Replace them with a pleasant demeanor and a gentle disposition

Soon to that vain talk you'll no longer desire to listen

A sad substitute for profound and beautiful words

Written by great thinkers as opposed to famous drunkards

Or to your own reflections and concentrations

That inspire you to love your God and to always be thanking.

That music is a drug

You're addicted to that ear bud

It is time to set yourself free

Undistracted, who knows, you could be someone mighty.


[contributed by aladdin_jazzy]

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