A Love Story

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Chapter 23: A Love Story

Quote of the Day: "When a husband and wife look at each other with love, Allah (SWT) looks at both of them with mercy."

A Love Story--The Devil's Deception 

By Ammar Alshukry

Once upon a time in a city nearby

There lived a sister similar to you and I

Vivid dreams of marriage after college,

A quiet house, a family seeking knowledge

In school biding her time, doing fine,

Developing her mind, at the masjid all the time

Then one day while sittin at the student café, 

She was approached by a brother who asked if it would be okay

To talk to her a second, see he was in state of dismay

He was going through hard times, and three years to this day

He'd never once bowed his head to pray.

He was Muslim, he said, and he knew he was astray

He had seen her around campus and knew she was MSA

So he asked if she could show him the way

Almost automatically she directed him diplomatically

To the brothers and said they could help him systematically

He said that was problematic, the brothers were type fanatics

And without being too dramatic he predicted there'd be static

So what should she leave him to his own devices?

Tell me what your advice is?

This is the story learn this lesson well,

Can’t plant the trees of paradise with the seeds of hell

A devils whisper is coated in intentions well

That lead to hell, where many good intentions dwell

Time went on she would meet him twice a week

Though every time they met she would be discreet

He was coming along well, first surah down, then the second

He'd be done with ten by the end of the semester she expected

She made sure to keep it strict, at times she'd tell him to chill

Like the time he called her up just 'cuz he had time to kill

She bore it cuz he was sincere she said,

It all made sense in her head, so she continued to tread

Down that path, she didn't realize how much she laughed

How quickly the term passed, and that wasn't even the half

She called him brother, he called her his friend

She didn't account herself when it didn't bother her then

Then there was the day when he for sure made her crack up

He said that if they weren't married by thirty, they’d be back ups

But that's the first time she ever saw him as a potential

Shaitan saw his potential and there went her potential

Let me fast forward a semester, and advance this

Marriage was on their mind, he asked her he had planned it

So now she had no problem seeing him all over campus

And he promised as soon as he corrects his finances

He would talk to her family, tell them and advance this

But for now if they approached they wouldn't accept

But in their minds this was something that was already set

And so they crept

Her circle of friends kept shrinking

She was spending all her time with her future fiancé thinking

Dreaming, happiest times in her life it was seeming

So little concessions were small in the big scheme of things

She didn't touch men, for him she made an exception

So complete the devils deception

This is the story learn this lesson well,

cant plant the trees of paradise with the seeds of hell

A devils whisper is coated in intentions well

That lead to hell, where many good intentions dwell

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