Ignorance is Not Bliss

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Chapter 3: Ignorance is Not Bliss

Quote of the Day: "...terror can never be used in the name of Islam, or for the sake of any Islamic ends. A terrorist cannot be a Muslim and a Muslim cannot be a terrorist. A Muslim can only be a representative and symbol of peace, welfare and propriety."

~M. Fethullal Gulen

A few companions once saw Umar (RA) laughing and these crying. They went up to him and asked what the reason of such behavior could be. Umar related that one day he was journeying in the desert and had a sudden urge to pray. This was a time before he had embraced Islam, so he still worshipped idols. Umar had left his family idol at home so he could not pray. He then used his only resource, which were dates and molded them into the shape of a statue that he could pray to.

After finishing his prayer, he was hungry and the dates had been his only food. So Umar ate the dates, technically eating his "god". After finishing his story, Umar explained to the companions that he was laughing at his ignorance and crying because it was Allah's mercy that he was guided to the right path. It was because it Allah (SWT) that he was here as a Muslim now, instead of worshipping man made statues that could be eaten. Don't count the days of Ramadan make them count

What Ramadan Means to Me:

"From how I was raised I understand that the reason as to why we fast is to experience the feeling of those who are to privileged enough to get food. Through this we would also be taught on patience and humility."


Ramadan Challenge #3:

The world is not perfect, and as much as we try, not everyone can be understanding and respectful of Islam. On the first day of Ramadan, I came across a person who insulted and criticized Ramadan, not even caring that she was being ignorant and stereotypical.

Now the challenge that I'm giving you with, is for you to send anyone, anyone who is acting that way, a good, true fact about Ramadan. Are you up for the challenge?

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