Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation

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Chapter 6: Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation

Quote of the Day: "The year is like a tree, months are it's branches, days are the branch sticks, hours are its leaves, and breaths are its fruit. Therefore, if one breathes in obedience to Allah (SWT) and His messenger, the fruits of his tree are sweet. If they are in disobedience, his fruits are bitter. The harvest is on the appointed day, when ones fruits are found out to be either good or bad."

In the month of Ramadan the noble Quran was revealed. Ramadan is the month in which we fast. We experience what the less fortunate deal with and don't feel grateful for what we have. Ramadan is a month in which we fast during the day and perform Tarawih, prayer that is either preformed in eleven rakats or twenty rakats. Muslims are able to gain many rewards from Allah (SWT) during this time, because the Shaitan are locked up. In the beginning of Ramadan; the first ten days, there is MERCY. In the middle of Ramadan; the middle ten days, there is FORGIVENESS. And at the end of Ramadan; the last ten days, there is SALVATION from the Hell fire. Ramadan is a month for helping each other. It is also the month of patience, the reward that we get for patience is Paradise. <Tofura Fardous> 

Ramadan Challenge #5: Think about that, each day has a meaning and purpose that can benefit us. Now, what are you doing? Get off the computer and make the best of these beneficial days.

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