Daughter of Islam

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Chapter 19: Daughter of Islam

Quote of the Day: "A rose protects its flower with its thorns, and a Muslim women protects her beauty with her hijab."

I know who you are.

That woman traipsing around half-naked at the bar isn't you. That diva on the dance floor isn't you. That model on the billboard isn't you.

You are a daughter of Islam.

And always will be.

Do you know how blessed you are dear sister? Did you know what life was life before Islam?

Prior to Islam, a woman’s status in the sight of all nations of the World was nothing more than the value of household goods. They were treated like animals. They were bought and sold. They had no choice in the matter of marriage; they had to silently accept the highest bidder. They never inherited, even from their close relatives. In fact, she herself would become an item of distribution just like any other commodity of inheritance in a descendant’s estate. Women were regarded merely as properties and possessions of men. Even in the so-called modern European countries they were not even regarded as human. Even in religious matters women were given no status by the men, for they were not considered to be worthy of prayer or fit to be counted as human.

It was generally accepted that it was permissible for men to bury their daughters alive, and this heartless act of inhumanity was regarded as an act sight of humanity and respect. Further more, it was generally accepted that if a lady was murdered then her murderer could not be punished in any way. Neither was he to be killed in retaliation nor was he to pay blood money. According to many religions, when a man dies, his wife has to burn herself to death.  

Just think, how easily that could've been us.

May our lives be sacrificed for that mercy unto mankind the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the religion of truth, Islam, which he brought and which opened the eyes of the World. He, with divine guidance taught mankind the real value of humanity. From the swarm of darkness and polytheism into the paradise of light and monotheism.

He enforced justice, making it obligatory for men to fulfill the rights of women. Just as it is necessary for them to fulfill the right of men. He freed women from the slavery of man. A woman was granted the ownership of her life and property. Thus, no man not even a father or a grand father could force a mature woman to marry against her wishes and desires, nor without her consent.

No person has the right to use her wealth without her permission. Just as males are entitled to their share in the estate of their relatives, females also have their own rights. To spend upon ones wife and to keep them happy within the boundaries of Islam is regarded as an act of worship. 

To deprive a woman of her rights is undoubtedly a severe oppression, which Islam has wiped out by means of very just and moderate laws.

When Islam was sent, by the mercy of Allah (SWT), everything changed.


Important Women in Islam


During Musa (AS)'s time, Asiyah (RA) was the wife of the Pharaoh. When Musa (AS) showed his miracles to the Pharaoh and the magicians, many accepted Islam--Asiyah included. The Pharaoh; Fir'aun, punished her for her acceptance of Islam by pegging her to the ground and exposing her to the midday sun. But whenever he turned away from her, the angels would give her shade with their wings. Finally Fir'aun gave her an Ultimatum: "Either let go of your belief or get crushed by a boulder." Without hesitation, she chose to be crushed and before her death, invoked to Allah (SWT) to build a mansion for her in Paradise. As she finished this us, her Ruh (soul) left her body and she was crushed.


Mayrum (RA) was the mother of Isa (AS). She devoted her life to prayer and worship of  the almighty Allah (SWT). By a miracle, she gave birth to Isa, Jesus (AS). Because of this, she was accused of adultery when people sighted her with Isa. The people ridiculed her, but Isa (AS) as a newborn child spoke and said that he was a Prophet of Allah (SWT) and Allah had given him a divine book, the Bible. Allah (SWT) gave her a child that protected her integrity.


Khadija (RA) was not only the FIRST woman to accept Islam, but also the FIRST PERSON to accept Islam. She was a wealthy business woman in her forties when she married the Prophet (SAW). When she accepted Islam, she rid herself of these worldly desires to dedicate herself to Islam. Khadija was the one who helped him to come to terms with the revelation and was the one who believed in him when no one else did. she was his pillar of support. 


Fatimah (RA) was the daughter of Muhummad (SAW). She was his youngest child and the only child of his who out lived him. She constantly saw her father being mistreated, and would always lash out at people who mistreated her father. Fatimah was especially kind to the poor folk and would often give up her food to them. When she grew up she was very persuasive in speech and married Ali, the son of Abu Talib.


Aisha was the daughter of Abu Bakr (RA) and was one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Aisha has related more hadiths then anyone else has. When the Prophet (SAW) talked about Aisha, he told his people: "get half your religion from this reddish woman [Aisha]" Half our religion was relayed to her. Aisha as a person was very charitable and helpful to those who came to her.

Lessons Learned

Aisha (RA) was very active in learning about Islam.

-These four women will greet the righteous people at the gates of Jannah-

***Asiyah (RA) chose faith over royalty.

***Maryum (RA) was characterized by piety, chastity and faith.

***Khadija (RA) neither succumbed to the trappings of wealth, power or fame.

***Fatimah (RA) had sabr in the face of unending hardships and was crowned leader of all women in Jannah. 


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