Seize the Day

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Chapter 7: Seize the Day

Quote of the Day: "Live each moment as if it is your last. I dare any one of you to come forward and promise you'll live tomorrow. You can't, because tomorrow is not a promise."

Ramadan is like a Gift Box that contains Limited Edition items which is available only a month per year..

Some of the Gift Items are: 

-Opportunity to get all past SINS FORGIVEN

-Special Du’aa (Supplication) time

-A night > 1000 months (Night of Al-Qadr)

-70 X more reward for each good deed

-Shaitan locked up

-Gates of Heaven are open

-Gates of Hell are closed

-Calm people around

-Serene Heart

and …....many more

What makes this month so precious is that next year is NOT promised to us. So, don't miss out of this year's Golden Opportunity to get your sins forgiven..... and pls don't forget to keep me in your du'aa. <Ummya Habiba>

What Ramadan Means to Me: "I understand that during this Blessed Month we should fast to understand the feelings of people who are less privileged, things that we take for granted. In this month we should be giving as much Zakat as we can :) Also fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam." <HeyItsAnnie>

Funny Stories

"My eldest boy (12 years old) forgot he was fasting and drank; he was reminded. Two hours later, he forgot again and ate something. when i began reprimanding him for being so careless, he smirked, shrugged his shoulders and said, 'Can you blame me if Allah (SWT) gifted me twice today?!'"

#smartaleck #MrKnowItAll

~Yasir Qadhi

"A man was famous for being stingy. Once while on a boat, he fell over into the water. His friend screamed to him, "Give me your hand!" The man refused. His friend knew him well and so said, "Take my hand!" The man reached his hand and was saved."

~Ammar Alshukry

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