Day of Judgment

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Chapter 34: Day of Judgment

Quote of the Day: "Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning: yet they heed not and they turn away." (Quran 21:1)

We are in a world, living in a society in which our actions are more important than ever. From the day we were born, Allah has assigned an angel on our right shoulder and an angel on our left shoulder to record our good deeds and our bad deeds. Because on the Day of Judgment our tongue will not work, rather our different body parts will speak for us. Did you listen to Quran with your ears, did your hands help the needy, did you use your feet to go to the masjid? Did your heart believe in Allah (SWT)? 

Your actions will speak louder and in more volume than your words. 

In this day and age, when we sin, we sin openly. Think about that, there used to be shame in sinning, humiliation. But nowadays people sin and feel no shame in it. That is one of the signs of the Day of Judgment.

As Muslims, talking about Islam is one of our biggest priorities, our biggest responsibilities. We have been blessed, no other religion has been given the signs of the Day of Judgment in such detail. With the knowledge that Allah has blessed us with, there comes an urgency to go out and learn more. It is our duty to learn anything and everything we can about our deen. We must become aware and connect everything back to Islam. If there is a gathering of three or more people, Allah will ask if His name had been mentioned during it.

Let's stop for a moment and discuss the topic of death. Death is usually associated with "bad"; if a person thinks about death, they will be prescribed with depression. In western society death is something that should be avoided. But who cares about western society? We didn't come to the to Earth by our own will. We will not leave Earth by our own will. So why live in this world with our own will? Would logic not dictate for us to follow the rule and order of Allah (SWT)? Should we not follow our Lord, our Creator? 

In Islam, you are supposed to think about Death often, so that you are motivated to go out and do more good. We were all sent down with an expiration date, a date that Allah only knows. Because we do not know when we will die, we should take it upon ourselves to live each moment as if it is our last. 

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) once told Umar, "Be in this world as if you are a passing stranger. In the morning do not anticipate the evening and in the evening do not anticipate the morning." The sahabas of the Prophet would always think, "This could be my last day; this could be my last opportunity to please Allah (SWT)." subhanAllah. To have that mind frame; to always please Allah. 

There is no exact date for the Day of Judgment. No one, not the Prophet (SAW) or the angel Jibril (AS) know the date of the Day of Judgment. The only one who knows, is Allah, the one and only. SubhanAllah.

Many of the minor signs of the day of Judgment have already occurred, in fact, most of them had already happened which leaves the Major signs. It's a scary thought to know that we are so close to the Major Signs of the Day of Judgment, because after these Major signs is the Day of Judgment.

Minor Signs that Have Already Occurred:

♠ The coming of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

♠ The death if the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

♠ The splitting of the moon; perhaps we have not seen the splitting of the moon with our own eyes but we know this has occurred because Allah has revealed it in Surah Qadr.

♠ The explosion in Madinah. It is a great flowing fire that erupted from the mountains and lasted fifteen days. 

♠ The Jusia; a tax that the Christian and Jewish people paid the Muslim people for living on their lands will no longer be paid.

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