2. Kitzie and love at first sight

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The Cliff Face Nightclub was possibly the busiest nightclub on the street. Lots of people couldn't understand all the hype about it. There was alcohol, loud music, and lots of people, but that was pretty average in terms of a night out. When you looked into the crowd, you could notice many people who looked a little too young to be there, but you'd blame it on the flashy lighting. Truth is, there was a certain detail about the Cliff Face that drew many teenagers to it. 

The Cliff Face never checked ID.

The amount of underage kids who took that to their advantage was surprising, and, of course, Kitzie and Lola were no exception to this. You couldn't exactly say they were the most obedient of teenagers. They weren't the worst, but they were bad enough to go to a club with fake IDs, just so they could have a drink and a good time. But wasn't that what most teenagers wanted nowadays?

It's what Kitzie told herself she wanted. Admittedly, she'd never even thought about it before she met Lola, but that didn't mean anything. She met Lola a couple of years ago, when she was fifteen. Lola had waltzed in the classroom with her blue hair and bad behaviour and Kitzie had been drawn like a moth to a flame. They'd been close friends ever since, even if people thought Lola was a bad influence. In all honesty, Kitzie knew that Lola being a bad influence was kind of the point of being her best friend. 

After having a fair amount of vodka, Kitzie was filling up with a restless sort of elation. She looked around the room as lights flashed, just observing everything that happened. The music was so loud that it was beginning to just register in her brain as a mess of loud noises, and she was more aware of the bass vibrating through her ribcage rather than being heard through her ears. Since it was so loud, her mind had kind of tuned the noise out, giving everything a muffled, surreal feel, like she was underwater. 

But if you were underwater, wouldn't that mean you were drowning? 


"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by you again?"

The situation was laughable. There they were, two teenage girls getting a drink quickly at the edge of the dancefloor, being hit on by some guy who looked like he could be their dad. Kitzie didn't know what had drawn him to them, perhaps it was Lola's electric blue hair or Kitzie's tall but elegant demeanour that caught his attention. Or, more likely, it was the fact that they looked significantly younger than everyone else in the club.

Lola scowled, "Fuck off."

Of course, the man showed no intention of leaving.

"Oh come on, that was my best line." He leaned forward on the bar, glancing around quickly.

"Your best isn't enough, so once again, fuck off." Lola looked annoyed, but she shifted on her feet and her fingers tugged at the hem of her dress. In reality, Lola wasn't angry, she was uncomfortable.

"I'll show you my best if you let me," he winked.

Kitzie resisted the urge to throw up at the innuendo he had attempted to use on her friend. Then, she regretted it. The idea of throwing up all over the guy was growing more desirable by the second. That would wipe the crooked smile from his face.

The music was  incredibly loud. The thump of the bass that rattled through her ribcage brought her a vague sense of comfort. Plus, one of the advantages of the dim lighting was that she wasn't able to see the man's face unless she really focussed. She didn't want to even think about the expressions he was probably making.

"You're disgusting," Lola told him. She stepped backwards subtly and looked for someone who might be able to get them out of the situation they were in. Kitzie stayed quiet, sipping from her cup. The alcohol burned as she swallowed, but she was used to that. She was just waiting for the numbing feeling.

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