23. Ezra and a skipping rope

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A/N: Two updates in the same week, this is going so well for me. I don't have school now either apart from exams and revision sessions so that gives me more time. After the 22nd I won't even have that which will give me so much time I won't even know what to do with it.
Colourless has two more chapters left after this one, and honestly I can't believe it's almost finished. Go me.
Enjoy this chapter anyway, and don't forget to vote and comment if you did c:

Ezra was sitting on her bed when Kitzie came back. A brief look of surprise crossed her features before Kitzie said, "Hey, how are you doing?"

It was strangely refreshing to hear a friend ask about her instead of Luke, so she smiled. Her voice was raspy but she tried anyway. "Not too bad."

Kitzie was very bubbly that day and it was still something that she was trying to get used to. She was trying to get used to using her voice again, as well as how much everyone seemed to have changed. Luke had been unnervingly calm since the incident on the roof, and Ezra couldn't help but worry about him every moment she wasn't with him. The moments on the roof were repeated themselves in her head if she left herself to think for long enough.

Kitzie was quiet for a few minutes, just watching Ezra as she sat and read. After a while, Ezra looked up at her expectantly. 

"Sorry," Kitzie said, "I'm just not used to this anymore."

Ezra nodded with agreement before going back to reading. 

"Hey Ezra," Kitzie tried to get her attention again. "Have you ever talked to Conor about his parents?"

Ezra shook her head.

"I think I saw them today," Kitzie continued.

Slowly, Ezra closed the book and gave her full attention to Kitzie.

"They had a baby dog too," Kitzie said excitedly. 

Ezra laughed. "That's Tilly. Conor's mentioned her before."

Tilly the dachshund was in fact the only thing that Conor missed about living with his parents. That being said, they had only had Tilly for a year or so before he moved out to Dalacine so it wasn't a permanent thing in his life. Of course, his parents had only ever really bought Tilly as an accessory, or maybe a replacement for Conor. He found that pretty exasperating too.

"We should steal Tilly," Kitzie said, only half joking. Ezra laughed again, because Kitzie coming out with something like that didn't really surprise her at all. She didn't really think much was going to surprise her for a while now. 

And yet, she was surprised when Nathan and Amelia came bursting through the door, squealing loudly. Kitzie watched as Ezra leapt off her bed and scooped up both of them. They clung to her for a little while, before wriggling around until she put them down. They tugged at her sleeves until she followed them out of the room.

Ezra followed them, crouching awkwardly to be close to their height. She glanced around quickly to see whether her parents were anywhere, and caught a glimpse of Taylor talking to someone in the foyer. The twins crashed through the doors and Ezra's dad seemed to sigh with relief.

Her mum seemed to have had complete faith in them to be able to find Ezra, and she was right, although he had felt some worry for them. He had been about to try and find them, but he was busy watching his wife and the receptionist chatting about something animatedly.

Jess gave the three of them a friendly wave as Ezra was dragged through the front doors and into the little garden. Nathan pulled a skipping rope from somewhere. Ezra was most definitely sure that was not supposed to be in Dalacine but she let him use it anyway.

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