22. Kitzie and the definition of better

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Honestly though the struggle of gcses, jesus. But hey, I updated. Finally. 
Tbh I was just really stuck on how the hell to continue this after all the drama with Luke. Nothing lived up to it for a long time. But hey, here's a chapter. Since this one is so late I'm posting it on a Sunday and I'm just gonna hope and pray that I'll get another one done before Friday. I only have 3 or 4 exams in between then and now so it's doable right hahAHAHA
Anywaay, don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this c:
(also whoops I didn't have time to proofread sorry about that)

The music was loud in Kitzie's ears, blocking out anything else around. She closed her eyes and sighed, although she couldn't hear herself. The world didn't have to exist if she didn't look at it. 

The melodies rattled through her veins and spread to her fingertips. She smiled. With her eyes closed, her other senses felt enhanced. She could hear every subtle change in pitch. She could touch the notes as they spiralled around her. 

She opened her eyes and the world was back. It was peaceful outside - or at least, it looked that way. The sun was beaming down, letting a warm light touch her back. The grass seemed greener. The sky seemed bluer. She couldn't hear the birds chirping, but she had a feeling they would be. 

She didn't hear the footsteps as someone walked up behind her. She didn't notice as they sat down either. It was only when they decided to pluck one of the earphones from her ear that she realised someone was there. She glanced towards him for a moment, eyes flashing with annoyance, but then she seemed to calm again.

"Jesus, that's really loud," Conor exclaimed as Kitzie took out the other earphone. 

Kitzie nodded. "That is the point."

"I thought we weren't allowed earphones here," Conor said, subconsciously threading them through his fingers curiously.

"Well no, but I managed to convince them to let me use Jess' for a little while," Kitzie explained. "Once I made them sure I was going to strangle myself or anyone else with them, they were fine with it."

Conor laughed. "Well of course."

He seemed better than before, but she didn't know why. She hadn't been told anything about his medication, and Taylor said it wasn't his place to tell her either. Conor seemed less tired now, but perhaps a little less hyper than she had gotten to know him as, although she knew that was because of a manic episode. The two of them hadn't had much of a chance to talk calmly to each other in a while, following depressive phases, running away and suicide attempts. This moment was unexpected for both of them, something they hadn't quite had enough time to think about.

"Conor," she said quietly as they sat together.

He glanced at her. "Yeah?"

"What phase are you in right now?" She looked up at him through her eyelashes.

For a moment she wondered whether Conor had any intention of answering. He seemed too occupied in serenely watching over the gates to answer, but then he spoke. "I'm not in a phase."

"Are you back on the Risperidone?" Somehow, things didn't seem as tense as before.

"I talked to a professional about the Risperidone," Conor said. "What do you know about it?"

Kitzie thought for a moment. "Not much. It's an antipsychotic, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but some people have problems with Risperidone because it makes them feel flat or emotionless. The doctor said I was probably experiencing that." Conor looked down for a moment, as if bracing himself.

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