15. Ezra and her sister

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A/N: Tbh this chapter is really unplanned but I had the ideas and I needed to write them, so yeah.
The next chapter's Conor's but I don't feel like I've given him enough story. Obviously I'll just have to edit eventually but hey, that's for when this is done. That's not for a while by the way.
Don't forget to vote or comment if you liked the chapter c:

For Ezra, the funeral had been the worst part. She'd been told a few times that it would be easier after that, after her sister was buried. They said she'd have some closure, and that she wouldn't have to keep holding on to the hope that Kya would come back. She thought it was weird that they would say that; why would you want to forget someone? Why would you want to accept the fact that someone was well and truly gone? But, at the same time, she'd hoped that they were right. She wanted the weight on her shoulders to disappear and she wanted to stop desperately clinging onto memories. Unfortunately, that wasn't how it worked.

The appropriate weather probably should have been rain. That was always how it ideally worked; there'd be torrential rain and dark clouds. That's what Ezra would have chosen. There were funerals every day, but it didn't rain every day. There must have been lots of funerals with the bright sunshine and blooming flowers and chirping birds that were present that day. The irony was, though, that it was the type of day that Ezra knew Kya would have given anything to see.

Since she was part of Kya's immediate family, Ezra had to arrive in the sleek black car. She'd call it a limo, since that was what it looked like, but that sounded too glamorous, and there really wasn't anything glamorous about attending your sister's funeral. Either way, she was trapped in the back of it with her parents and the twins. Of course, Nathan and Amelia were too young to fully understand what had happened. Ezra had held it together pretty well, focusing on the passing scenery out of the window. The blurs of green and blue raced past, as if they were running away.

When they pulled up, the hearse was already outside. She'd never been to a funeral before. Some people were already crying, a crowd of black clothes and pained faces. Ezra still hadn't cried. She was numb to the pitiful glances she was receiving, numb to the whispers of sympathy, numb to the grief that everyone else seemed to be feeling.

A few of her friends were there as she stepped out of the car. They were some distance away, and too hesitant to get close enough to talk. Kya's friends were there too, a lot of them. They huddled, embracing one another. Ezra only watched from a distance as she was ushered inside.

There was a song playing as everyone walked in. She couldn't remember what the song was; she had only been hearing it instead of listening. The seats were a royal blue, but Ezra thought everyone know that Kya loved lilac the most. There was a small knot in her stomach that made something feel different. Walking into the building, seeing her sister's coffin, watching as friends and family cried, something made it seem more real. It was a slow feeling. Something that started as a small tangle of fear in her stomach. It grew, but not enough to take over the numbness she felt.

She didn't feel anything when someone stood up and started talking. The words he said, something about her being too young to be taken away so soon, had no effect on her. She didn't know why. As she sat there, eyes fixed on the coffin where she knew her sister had been placed, it felt as if she was on the outside of everything. She felt as if she was looking in on everything, just watching indifferently.

There were a few photos by the coffin, arranged lovingly as a reflection of what people wanted to believe was Kya's life. She was smiling brightly in every one. Ezra smiled back for a moment, because she remembered where every photo was taken. She was even in one of them, grinning next to her sister mischievously, covered in dirt. They had been digging in the garden, pretending to be searching for treasure. Ezra remembered it so well. All she wanted to do now was go searching for her lost sister.

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