11. Ezra and writing it down

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A/N: Okay so this is a week late but we'll pretend that's not a thing.
I found a picture the other day and I just thought that it was what I wanted Chloe to look like, so included that in case anyone was interested.
Don't really have much else to say about this chapter apart from the usual tell me if I made any mistakes and don't forget to vote of you liked the chapter.
Thanks c:

Nathan and Amelia were, Ezra liked to think, the biggest part of her life. Of course, there was the whole Dalacine thing, which was a pretty big deal now. Plus, her new friends that Conor often brought her along to see now were beginning to grow into something more than just an excuse to sneak out. Regardless of it all, her little siblings were often where her mind decided to settle. 

They were, without a doubt, her favourite people, and her favourite thing to think about.

She smiled as she watched them mess around in the visitors' room. They rolled around, play fighting on the carpet. She knew it was just a game, because she made sure that neither of them would ever turn to anything other than sarcasm or smart remarks in a disagreement. Of course, that was when she could actually tell them things without one of her parents having to translate the sign language. One day, she told herself, she was going to talk to them again, and it was going to be the best thing she'd ever done.

"I think chocolate is better," Nathan said, poking his twin on the nose, "So, you're wrong."

Amelia squinted her eyes, looking dramatically offended by that statement. "But strawberry!"

Ezra shook her head, crouching in between them. They were wearing matching shirts today, with a little blue heart on both of them. Matching clothes seemed to be their new way of letting everyone know how close they were. 

Her dad translated the sign language for her siblings, who hadn't quite grasped it yet. "Vanilla, definitely."

They laughed, leaning back joyfully.

"I like vanilla, too," Amelia grinned, eyes shining.

It was amazing how much her siblings looked up to Ezra, she thought, even though she stopped speaking and moved away from home. That was one of the reasons she really, really wanted to get better. She wasn't exactly sure of what better actually was anymore, but she pushed that thought out of her mind.

Nathan let out a loud gasp, wanting to voice his idea so quickly that instead he just stumbled. He dropped onto the floor clumsily as Amelia giggled at him. 

Ezra picked him up and smiled at him, patting him on the head fondly.

Nathan looked up at his dad with a hopeful expression, "Can Ra Ra take us somewhere?"

"Please," Amelia added.

Their dad sat for a moment, mulling it over. 

"Sure," he said finally, "But that's only if Dalacine give Ezra permission to leave."

All they had to do to get permission was talk to Jess at the reception desk in the foyer. She was sitting there, looking bored as usual. Ezra couldn't blame her, really, since Jess had been reading the same magazine for a week now, judging by the cover. 

Jess was surprisingly young to be working as a secretary at a mental hospital, so sometimes there was a little bit of harmless sarcasm or joking around. Of course, when there were adults around, she acted like she was a professional. Ezra and the other patients she seemed to like knew differently though, because she had said multiple times about how she really had no idea what she was doing. 

In fact, Ezra had heard Conor ask Jess about job interviews a few times, but she never seemed to leave the job. It was clear that she just needed the money, and a secretary wasn't her final life goal. Ezra wondered what Jess really wanted to do, and why she wasn't doing it.

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