8. Conor and synchronised cussing

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A/N: I don't really know about this chapter. I rewrote it a bunch of times and this is the best I could get it, so I guess I'll just try again later if I really need to. Do tell me if it's shit though.
I was thinking about it a few days ago, and I suddenly realised Hayley Williams reminded me of Lola (and I probably subconsciously based Lola off her too tbh). So I added a picture above of her in case you guys wanted to see.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to vote if you did c:


It was the first word that slipped out of Conor's mouth. As it turned out, the same word fell from Luke too, so they ended up glaring at each other for a moment in annoyance. Now was not the time for synchronised cussing.

Of course, Luke knew that Ezra jumped out of that window a lot, so he was almost 90% sure that she would have got the ground safely. That didn't erase the fact that he had not only not been there for her when she had a panic attack, but she had now also upset her to the point of jumping out of a window. 

Conor, on the other hand, did not know about Ezra's window jumping habits, and was trying remain calm. He assumed that Ezra wouldn't have jumped out of the window without knowing if she could survive the fall, but it still worried him. He raced over to the window quickly, leaning out of it.

Ezra was standing on the grass outside, looking up at the window with a triumphant smirk on her face. She had successfully stopped an argument, even if it meant giving them a huge shock in the process. 

"Ezra, what the hell," Conor called to her, but the relief in his voice overpowered any other emotion he was trying to show. 

She scowled at him.

Are you done arguing now then?

The relief was gone, and suddenly he was guilty. It was unfair of him to start arguing with someone who was clearly Ezra's best friend, especially after the night she'd had. But, at least Ezra wasn't hurt or dead. The thought of it made him want to punch a wall. 

"How did you get down there without...?" He couldn't finish the sentence. 

She pointed to the pipe that ran up the building, knowing Luke would explain. She just hoped he wouldn't start another argument.

"She jumped to the pipe and slid down it," Luke said as if it was obvious. Conor's look of disbelief was enough to make Luke laugh. At least they could relate to the unpredictability of knowing someone like Ezra.

I'm basically a ninja. Ezra was grinning as she signed. 

Conor burst out laughing, but Luke just stood there awkwardly. Language barriers were never fun.

It was funny how much Ezra reminded Conor of the others, doing stupid and sometimes dangerous things just because they could. In fact, he was sure that if she knew them, they would all definitely be friends. Who knew, maybe they already did know each other. He wasn't sure. He didn't know anything about Ezra, really, apart from the fact that she was a little bit messed up in the head but also effortlessly fearless. He wondered if she knew that. He had a feeling the others would agree.

Conor gasped like he just figured out the meaning of life. "Do you want to go somewhere that isn't a mental hospital? I mean, right now."

Ezra raised an eyebrow.

"I have some people I really want you to meet," he grinned. 

"Whoa," Luke interrupted, "Don't encourage her to sneak out, she does that enough as it is."

"Since when did you make all her decisions?" Conor retaliated, immediately regretting it. He could tell that if he was going to be in the same room as Luke, it was going to be like walking on eggshells.

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