Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
I stared out the window of the gallery to the snow blanket outside. I had never seen snow like this. In New York it was a bother. Something that just made it harder to get to work. I had never taken it in as something so beautiful. Something so white and soft.
My fingertips pressed against the cold glass as if I was feeling the connection to the snow. How I longed to touch it.
"What are you doing?" I was surprised but I didn't jumped at the sound of Patrick's voice.
I sighed, "Snow."
I felt his body behind me as his hand press against the glass next to mine.
"I can take you out there if you like?" he offered.
"It's freezing out there," I stated looking up into his blue eyes.
"So," he shrugged.
"So, this is all the warm cloths I have." I waved my hands down my body pointing out that I wore jeans and an old jumper.
His face lit up as if he had an idea, "just, wait here."
He quickly returned with sweat pants and a cotton grey jumper.
"Here put these on," he said handing them to me.
I scoffed pulling the pants over my jeans and the jumper over my other one. He took my hand and led me down stairs to the front door.
Cold air hovered around my neck making Goosebumps appear.
"Here," before I knew it, Patrick was pulling out my hair. He handed me the band and I realized he liked playing helper.
He walked freely as if he belonged in the snow. When I was curled in a ball, shivering at every breeze.
"I've always liked this time of year," he stated as we walked.
"Really, it was just a pain in New York."
"Why?" He asked as if really didn't see anything negative about snow.
"It just made it harder to get to work."
"I guess I've never had that problem."
"No you haven't," I nudged him playfully making him laugh.
I sighed, "It is beautiful out here."
"Yeah, I can't believe it's all mine."
My eyes went wide, "are you serious?"
He laughed, "Yes."
"Oh my God. Explain the whole heir thing," I asked.
"What's there to get. First child gets fifty percent of the money, the estate. Everything."
"And what, the other siblings get, the leftovers?" I asked feeling sorry for all the siblings of heirs across the world.
"Depends if the parents have a will or not. Okay, say that there were two children. And the parents left the two, equal shares of the estate and money. Then they both get an equal amount. But if the parents have no will, than everything goes to the first born."
I frowned, "That seems unfair."
"It's just the way it is."
"So what about your parents. What did they leave?" I asked not realizing that it wouldn't have mattered what his parents left the girls because they were killed along with them.
"I think they left me the house, fifty percent of the money and thirty percent of the land. And the girls each got fourteen percent of the land and ten percent of the money. But it wouldn't have matter if they were left nothing or everything. I would have looked after them."
I smiled proudly as I thought of Patrick as a big brother. My heating heart warmed my body at the thought.
"Wow, still a lot of it goes to you."
"Yeah well, Father's family goes back a long way. Somehow we're a relation to a relation of the royal family. Something along those lines. And Mother's family are also rich."
"What about your parents' family. Did they have siblings?" I asked.
He made a noise as he thought, "Mother had a younger brother that moved to Australia. And Father had two younger sisters."
"Were they given money?"
"Dad's sisters each were given a house in London. But one is married to this French guy so she's never lived there. And Mother's brother will get fifty percent of my grandparents' money when they die. Mother had the other fifty percent which will be mine."
I was breathless and amazed. The way he talked about family finance like it was no big deal. Like he wasn't, like, a billionaire, or something like that. I was amazed why he didn't have girls lining up at his door to marry him.
"So what would have happened to the girls if they weren't left anything?"
He shrugged, "found a wealthy husband or get a job like a normal person. Or 'middle class'."
I nudged him, "Hey, there is nothing wrong with middle class."
"You have to say that. You haven't known better."
I stopped as my mouth dropped as he kept walking. I bent down taking a ball of snow in my hands. It felt wet and soggy. Before I knew it, I was throwing it at the back of Patrick's head. The snow ball burst into a million pieces like a firework.
He turned with a surprise look on his face. It made my jaw drop with laughter.
He bent down to make his own, as I took shelter behind a tree. I took some more snow in my hands for back up.
I heard his footsteps and my heart started to race. I moved around the tree as he circled around it as well. I came up behind him and through the ball.
His body shook as the ice ran down his jumper.
"Says the person whose upper class," I said smugly.
Without turning around, he growled, "I'm going to make you eat your words."
I giggled as he quickly turned. A squeal escaped from my lips as he took my waist and started to run. A back replaced my view of the snow as I realized I was on his shoulder.
"Patrick!" I squealed.
"Rose! Rose! Where are you Rose?" he yelled spinning around and around. I squealed again.
"Patrick! Put me down!"
His laugh filled my ears. I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling. I felt like I would exploded with happiness.
I felt him lowing me, till I felt the cold wet snow on my back. His smile beamed from ear to ear as he looked down on me. He had snow on his fingertips and slowly he placed his fingers to my lips. I licked the snow feeling the cold taste down my throat. My eyes were lock on his as he fed me more and more snow, making my insides burn.
Soon his fingertips were replaced by his lips and the taste of snow was replaced of the taste of him. I needed more, I needed more.

We kissed our way to the front door, not leaving each other's lips. The heat of the house made the heat between us increase dramatically. I lifted my arms as I felt Patrick's cold fingers touch the hem of the jumper. It was when Patrick pulled off his own jumper that I realized what we were about to do. This was going too happen. We were going to do this.
"Do you want to..." he didn't finish.
I quickly nodded, "Yes."
He took my hand and led me up the stairs. I felt tingling up and down my body and I realized I was nervous. Why was I so nervous?
Patrick opened the door to his room and I found myself moving to the other side. Once the door was shut and locked, Patrick turned towards me. With shaky hands I took off my other jumper and the sweat pants. We mimicked each other as we unbutton our shirts. I pealed mine away showing him my lace black bra and white flesh. His still covered his shoulders and I realized he couldn't take the step and show me his scars. And I realized I wanted to.
I stepped towards him. My eyes wondered his body as I slowly peeled away his shirt. Three of my fingers traced the lines on his forehead and down his face.
As I followed the lines, he said, "Rose, it's been a long time since I have been touch by another."
With my heart racing, I asked, "How long?"
My eyes followed down his beautiful scarred torso, making my heart pound.
"Five years."
I looked up to meet his eyes. The blue in them sparkled bright making me swallow.
"It's been awhile for me too," I admitted not taking my hand away.
"So we go easy," he suggested.
I answered him with a kiss. He stepped towards the bed and again I felt nervous. His lowered his body on top of mine, kissing lower and lower. I felt his lips on my belly as he hands work on my jeans. I felt my jeans peel away from my legs and I had never been so grateful to be wearing my lace black underwear. When his lips found their way back to mine, I turned so I was on top. I kissed his forehead feeling his lips on my neck. I slowly made my way down the scars till I got to the blonde hairline. And like him, I worked on his jeans. When I saw what he had to offer I felt nervous again. I quickly made my way back to his lips. My bra became loose. I threw it away feeling no need for it. He kissed me again till I felt the soft blankets beneath me. Everything inside me was going to explode when I felt his hot lips against my nipple. So much so, I had no choice but to moan. My fingers ran through his hair as if I was encouraging him to go on.
This was amazing. Who knew sex could be this good?
"Patrick," I moaned, "I need you now."
He responded to my call by taking off my underwear and then his own. I had never felt so much power. Inch by inch, felt more surreal than the last.
Keep going. I wanted to moan. My breathing had become heavy as I grew closer.
Patrick had to press his lips hard on mine to keep me from screaming. But I had to keep kissing him too, to stop him from screaming.

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